bool tBool
The tBool defines the type for the Values tTrue and tFalse (platform and compiler dependent).
uint32_t tUInt32
type definition for unsigned integer values (32bit) (platform and compiler independent type).
A common result class usable as return value throughout.
Wrapper class to work with POD type tVersion.
cString ToString() const
Create the string representation of the currently held version information.
value_type GetPatch() const
Get patch number of the version.
tVersion m_sVersion
version type to wrap
cVersion & SetMinor(value_type i_nMinor)
Set minor number of the version.
tVersion::value_type value_type
Common value type of version numbers.
cVersion & SetPatch(value_type i_nPatch)
Set patch number of the version.
cVersion & SetTweak(value_type i_nTweak)
Set tweak number of the version.
value_type GetMinor() const
Get minor number of the version.
cVersion & SetMajor(value_type i_nMajor)
Set major number of the version.
tResult FromString(const cString &i_strVersion)
Create the version object from a string.
value_type GetTweak() const
Get tweak number of the version.
cVersion(tVersion sVersion)
value_type GetMajor() const
Get major number of the version.
const tVersion & GetVersion() const
Get entire version info.
ADTF A_UTIL Namespace - Within adtf this is used as adtf::util or adtf_util.
tBool operator==(const cMultiArrayIndex &o_A, const cMultiArrayIndex &o_B)
Comparison operator.
tBool operator!=(const cMultiArrayIndex &o_A, const cMultiArrayIndex &o_B)
Comparison operator.
tUInt32 value_type
Value type of the version fields.
value_type m_ui32MajorVersion
Major version.
value_type m_ui32PatchVersion
Patch version.
value_type m_ui32MinorVersion
Minor version.
value_type m_ui32TweakVersion
Tweak version.