Go to the documentation of this file.
10 #include <cstdio>
11 #include <cstdarg>
12 #ifdef _MSC_VER
13  #include <sal.h>
14 #endif
16 namespace A_UTILS_NS
17 {
20 template <class storageT> class string_list_base;
29 template <class storageT>
31 {
32  public:// public definitions
33  //StorageType
37  typedef storageT _StorageType;
39  //has to be of type tChar, char or tUInt8
41  typedef typename _StorageType::value_type value_type;
44  typedef typename _StorageType::iterator iterator;
46  typedef typename _StorageType::const_iterator const_iterator;
48  typedef typename _StorageType::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
50  typedef typename _StorageType::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
52  public:
54  static const _myType Empty;
56  static const tSize InvalidPos;
57  private:
61  public:
68  {
69  Clear();
70  }
76  string_base(const _myType& strValue)
77  {
78  Set(strValue);
79  }
89  string_base& operator=(const _myType& strValue)
90  {
91  if (this != &strValue)
92  {
93  Set(strValue);
94  }
95  return *this;
96  }
102  string_base(_myType&& strValue)
103  {
104  Set(strValue);
105  }
108  {
109  if (this != &strValue)
110  {
111  Set(strValue);
112  }
113  return *this;
114  }
116  template<class T2>
117  string_base(const string_base<T2>& strValue)
118  {
119  Set(strValue.GetPtr());
120  }
122  template<class T2>
124  {
125  Set(strValue.GetPtr());
126  return *this;
127  }
129  string_base(const _StorageType& strValue)
130  {
131  m_oStorageBuffer = strValue;
132  }
135  {
136  m_oStorageBuffer = strValue;
137  return *this;
138  }
140  string_base(const tChar& strValue)
141  {
142  Set(strValue, 1);
143  }
145  string_base& operator=(const tChar& strValue)
146  {
147  Set(strValue, 1);
148  return *this;
149  }
151  string_base(const tChar* strValue)
152  {
153  Set(strValue);
154  }
161  string_base(const tChar* strValue, tSize szLength)
162  {
163  Set(strValue, szLength);
164  }
166  string_base& operator=(const tChar* strValue)
167  {
168  Set(strValue);
169  return *this;
170  }
176  virtual ~string_base()
177  {
178  //value_type must be tChar or tUInt8
179  static_assert(std::is_same<value_type, tChar>::value
180  || std::is_same<value_type, tUInt8>::value,
181  "storageT::value_type must be tChar or tUInt8 and specified !!");
182  }
186  {
187  return m_oStorageBuffer.begin();
188  }
191  {
192  return m_oStorageBuffer.end();
193  }
196  {
197  return m_oStorageBuffer.rbegin();
198  }
201  {
202  return m_oStorageBuffer.rend();
203  }
206  {
207  return m_oStorageBuffer.cbegin();
208  }
211  {
212  return m_oStorageBuffer.cend();
213  }
216  {
217  return m_oStorageBuffer.crbegin();
218  }
221  {
222  return m_oStorageBuffer.crend();
223  }
231  {
232  m_oStorageBuffer.clear();
233  }
246  _myType& Set(const _myType& strStringToSet, tSize nLength = InvalidPos)
247  {
248  if (nLength == InvalidPos)
249  {
250  m_oStorageBuffer.assign(strStringToSet.m_oStorageBuffer);
251  }
252  else
253  {
254  m_oStorageBuffer.assign(strStringToSet.m_oStorageBuffer, 0, nLength);
255  }
256  return *this;
257  }
269  _myType& Set(const tChar* pString, tSize nLength = InvalidPos)
270  {
271  if (pString != nullptr)
272  {
273  if (nLength == InvalidPos)
274  {
275  m_oStorageBuffer.assign(pString);
276  }
277  else
278  {
279  m_oStorageBuffer.assign(pString, nLength);
280  }
281  }
282  return *this;
283  }
295  _myType& Set(tChar c, tSize nCount)
296  {
297  if (nCount > 0 && nCount != InvalidPos)
298  {
299  m_oStorageBuffer.assign(nCount, c);
300  }
302  return *this;
303  }
315  tSize GetLength() const
316  {
317  return cStringUtil::GetLength(GetPtr());
318  }
335  {
336  if (szSize != InvalidPos)
337  {
338  m_oStorageBuffer.resize(szSize);
339  if (GetBufferSize() >= szSize)
340  {
341  return szSize;
342  }
343  else
344  {
345  return InvalidPos;
346  }
347  }
348  else
349  {
350  return szSize;
351  }
352  }
363  {
364  return m_oStorageBuffer.capacity();
365  }
383  tChar GetAt(tSize nIdx) const
384  {
385  if (nIdx >= GetLength())
386  {
387  return '\0';
388  }
389  return m_oStorageBuffer[nIdx];
390  }
405  {
406  if (nIdx >= GetLength())
407  {
408  return;
409  }
410  m_oStorageBuffer[nIdx] = c;
411  }
420  const tChar& operator[](tSize nIdx) const
421  {
422  return m_oStorageBuffer[nIdx];
423  }
433  {
434  return m_oStorageBuffer[nIdx];
435  }
447  tBool IsEmpty() const
448  {
449  return (cStringUtil::GetLength(GetPtr()) == 0);
450  }
461  {
462  return !IsEmpty();
463  }
473  const tChar* GetPtr() const
474  {
475  return m_oStorageBuffer.c_str();
476  }
487  {
488  return;
489  }
503  _myType& Append(const _myType& strString, tSize nLength = InvalidPos)
504  {
505  tSize szLength = GetLength();
506  if (szLength < m_oStorageBuffer.length())
507  {
508  //we will insert if the buffer is damaged by the 0-termination append cheese of STL
509  if (nLength == InvalidPos)
510  {
511  m_oStorageBuffer.insert(szLength, strString.m_oStorageBuffer, 0, strString.GetLength());
512  }
513  else
514  {
515  m_oStorageBuffer.insert(szLength, strString.m_oStorageBuffer, 0, nLength);
516  }
517  }
518  else
519  {
520  if (nLength == InvalidPos)
521  {
522  m_oStorageBuffer.append(strString.m_oStorageBuffer);
523  }
524  else
525  {
526  m_oStorageBuffer.append(strString.m_oStorageBuffer, 0, nLength);
527  }
528  }
529  return *this;
530  }
544  {
545  if (c != '\0')
546  {
547  //strange handling within the STL append will append to the Buffer!! not to the string
548  //0-Termination will be damaged !!
549  tSize szLastPos = GetLength();
550  if (m_oStorageBuffer.length() > szLastPos)
551  {
552  m_oStorageBuffer[szLastPos] = c;
553  if (m_oStorageBuffer.length() > (szLastPos+1))
554  {
555  m_oStorageBuffer[szLastPos+1] = '\0';
556  }
557  else
558  {
559  m_oStorageBuffer.append(1, '\0');
560  }
561  }
562  else
563  {
564  m_oStorageBuffer.append(1, c);
565  }
566  }
567  return *this;
568  }
584  _myType& Delete(tSize nPos, tSize nLength = InvalidPos)
585  {
586  if (nPos == InvalidPos)
587  {
588  nPos = 0;
589  }
590  // nothing to delete in an emtpy string
591  if (IsEmpty())
592  {
593  //do nothing
594  }
595  else if (nPos == 0 && nLength == InvalidPos)
596  {
597  Clear();
598  }
599  else if (nLength == InvalidPos)
600  {
601  if (nPos < GetLength())
602  {
603  m_oStorageBuffer.erase(nPos);
604  }
605  else
606  {
607  //do nothing
608  }
609  }
610  else if (nPos == 0)
611  {
612  m_oStorageBuffer.erase(0, nLength);
613  }
614  else
615  {
616  if (nPos < GetLength())
617  {
618  m_oStorageBuffer.erase(nPos, nLength);
619  }
620  else
621  {
622  //do nothing
623  }
624  }
625  return *this;
626  }
640  _myType& Insert(const _myType& strToInsertString, tSize nPos, tSize nLength = InvalidPos)
641  {
642  if (nPos == InvalidPos || nPos >= GetLength())
643  {
644  return Append(strToInsertString, nLength);
645  }
646  else
647  {
648  m_oStorageBuffer.insert(nPos, strToInsertString.m_oStorageBuffer, 0, nLength);
649  return *this;
650  }
651  }
666  _myType& Insert(const tChar* pToInsertString, tSize nPos, tSize nLength = InvalidPos)
667  {
668  if (pToInsertString != nullptr)
669  {
670  return Insert(_myType(pToInsertString), nPos, nLength);
671  }
672  return *this;
673  }
695  tInt Compare(const _myType& strString,
696  tSize nPos = 0,
697  tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
698  {
699  return cStringUtil::Compare(GetPtr(), strString.GetPtr(), nPos, nLength);
700  }
716  tInt Compare(const tChar* strString,
717  tSize nPos = 0,
718  tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
719  {
720  return cStringUtil::Compare(GetPtr(), strString, nPos, nLength);
721  }
744  tInt CompareNoCase(const _myType& strString,
745  tSize nPos = 0,
746  tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
747  {
748  return cStringUtil::CompareNoCase(GetPtr(), strString.GetPtr(), nPos, nLength);
749  }
761  tBool IsEqual(const _myType &strCmp,
762  tSize nPos = 0,
763  tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
764  {
765  return(Compare(strCmp, nPos, nLength) == 0) ? tTrue : tFalse;
766  }
779  tBool IsEqualNoCase(const _myType &strCmp,
780  tSize nPos = 0,
781  tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
782  {
783  return(cStringUtil::CompareNoCase(GetPtr(), strCmp.GetPtr(), nPos, nLength) == 0) ? tTrue : tFalse;
784  }
796  tBool IsNotEqual(const _myType &strCmp,
797  tSize nPos = 0,
798  tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
799  {
800  return(Compare(strCmp, nPos, nLength) == 0) ? tFalse : tTrue;
801  }
815  tSize nPos = 0,
816  tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
817  {
818  return(CompareNoCase(strCmp, nPos, nLength) == 0) ? tFalse : tTrue;
819  }
837  tSize Find(const _myType& strStringToFind,
838  tSize nStart = 0,
839  const tBool bNoCase = tFalse) const
840  {
841  if (bNoCase)
842  {
843  _myType strTmp, strCompare;
844  strTmp = *this;
845  strTmp.ToLower();
846  strCompare = *this;
847  strCompare.ToLower();
848  return strTmp.Find(strCompare, nStart);
849  }
851  return m_oStorageBuffer.find(strStringToFind.m_oStorageBuffer, nStart);
852  }
869  tSize Find(tChar cToFind, tSize nStart = 0) const
870  {
871  return Find(_myType(cToFind), nStart, tFalse);
872  }
890  tSize RFind(tChar cChar, tSize nStart = 0) const
891  {
892  if (nStart == 0)
893  {
894  return m_oStorageBuffer.rfind(cChar);
895  }
897  return m_oStorageBuffer.rfind(cChar, GetLength() - nStart);
898  }
914  tSize FindToken(const _myType& strTokenList, tSize nStart = 0) const
915  {
916  if (IsEmpty())
917  {
918  return InvalidPos;
919  }
921  if (nStart == 0)
922  {
923  return m_oStorageBuffer.find_first_of(strTokenList.m_oStorageBuffer);
924  }
926  return m_oStorageBuffer.find_first_of(strTokenList.m_oStorageBuffer, nStart);
927  }
943  tSize FindNotToken(const _myType& strTokenList, tSize nStart = 0) const
944  {
945  if (IsEmpty())
946  {
947  return InvalidPos;
948  }
950  if (nStart == 0)
951  {
952  return m_oStorageBuffer.find_first_not_of(strTokenList.m_oStorageBuffer);
953  }
955  return m_oStorageBuffer.find_first_not_of(strTokenList.m_oStorageBuffer, nStart);
956  }
968  tSize CountString(const _myType& strFind, tSize nStart = 0) const
969  {
970  tSize nFindSize = strFind.GetLength();
971  if (IsEmpty() || nFindSize == 0)
972  {
973  return InvalidPos;
974  }
976  tSize nCnt = 0;
977  while (nStart != InvalidPos)
978  {
979  nStart = Find(strFind, nStart);
980  if (nStart != InvalidPos)
981  {
982  nStart += nFindSize;
983  nCnt++;
984  }
985  }
986  return nCnt;
987  }
1001  tSize Replace(const _myType& strOld, const _myType& strNew, tBool bReplaceAll = tTrue)
1002  {
1003  if (IsEmpty() || strOld.IsEmpty())
1004  {
1005  return 0;
1006  }
1008  tSize nReplaceCount = 0;
1010  _myType strBuffer;
1011  tSize nSearchLen = strOld.GetLength();
1012  tSize nPos;
1013  tSize nStartPos = 0;
1014  do
1015  {
1016  nPos = Find(strOld, nStartPos);
1017  if (nPos != InvalidPos)
1018  {
1019  strBuffer.Append(Mid(nStartPos, (nPos - nStartPos)));
1020  strBuffer.Append(strNew);
1021  nStartPos = nPos + nSearchLen;
1022  nReplaceCount++;
1023  if (!bReplaceAll)
1024  {
1025  strBuffer.Append(Mid(nStartPos));
1026  break;
1027  }
1028  }
1029  else
1030  {
1031  strBuffer.Append(Mid(nStartPos));
1032  }
1034  } while (nPos != InvalidPos);
1036  m_oStorageBuffer.swap(strBuffer.m_oStorageBuffer);
1037  return nReplaceCount;
1038  }
1053  tSize Replace(tChar cOld, tChar cNew,tBool bReplaceAll = tTrue)
1054  {
1055  if (IsEmpty())
1056  {
1057  return 0;
1058  }
1060  tSize nReplacements = 0;
1061  _myType::iterator oIt = begin();
1062  _myType::iterator oItEnd = end();
1063  for (; oIt != oItEnd; ++oIt)
1064  {
1065  if (*oIt == cOld)
1066  {
1067  *oIt = cNew;
1068  ++nReplacements;
1069  if (!bReplaceAll)
1070  {
1071  break;
1072  }
1073  }
1074  }
1075  return nReplacements;
1076  }
1088  {
1089  return Filter(_myType(cChar));
1090  }
1103  tSize Filter(const _myType& strCharList)
1104  {
1105  if (IsEmpty())
1106  {
1107  return 0;
1108  }
1110  tSize nSize = GetLength();
1111  _myType strTmp;
1112  strTmp.SetBuffer(nSize);
1113  tSize nFiltered = 0;
1114  for (tSize nPos = 0; nPos < nSize; ++nPos)
1115  {
1116  tChar cCurrent = GetAt(nPos);
1117  if (strCharList.Find(cCurrent) == InvalidPos)
1118  {
1119  strTmp.Append(cCurrent);
1120  }
1121  else
1122  {
1123  ++nFiltered;
1124  }
1125  }
1127  m_oStorageBuffer.swap(strTmp.m_oStorageBuffer);
1128  return nFiltered;
1129  }
1137  tBool StartsWith(const _myType& strStartsWith, const tBool bNoCase = tFalse) const
1138  {
1139  if (strStartsWith.IsEmpty() || strStartsWith.GetLength() > GetLength())
1140  {
1141  return tFalse;
1142  }
1144  if (bNoCase)
1145  {
1146  return (CompareNoCase(strStartsWith, 0, strStartsWith.GetLength()) == 0);
1147  }
1148  else
1149  {
1150  return (Compare(strStartsWith, 0, strStartsWith.GetLength()) == 0);
1151  }
1152  }
1154  tSize RSplitByToken(const tChar cToken, _myType& strFirst, _myType& strSecond) const
1155  {
1156  tSize szRight = RFind(cToken);
1157  if (szRight != InvalidPos)
1158  {
1159  strFirst = Left(szRight);
1160  strSecond = Right(GetLength() - (szRight + 1));
1161  }
1162  return szRight;
1163  }
1165  tSize SplitByToken(const tChar cToken, _myType& strFirst, _myType& strSecond) const
1166  {
1167  tSize szRight = Find(cToken);
1168  if (szRight != InvalidPos)
1169  {
1170  strFirst = Left(szRight);
1171  strSecond = Right(GetLength() - (szRight + 1));
1172  }
1173  return szRight;
1174  }
1182  tBool EndsWith(const _myType& strEndsWith, const tBool bNoCase = tFalse) const
1183  {
1184  //@TODO: Compare can be done without new memory allocation!!
1185  tSize szStringLength = GetLength();
1186  if (szStringLength == 0
1187  || (strEndsWith.GetLength() > szStringLength))
1188  {
1189  return tFalse;
1190  }
1192  _myType strPart = Right(strEndsWith.GetLength());
1193  if (bNoCase)
1194  {
1195  return strPart.IsEqualNoCase(strEndsWith);
1196  }
1197  else
1198  {
1199  return strPart.IsEqual(strEndsWith);
1200  }
1201  }
1214  operator const tChar*() const
1215  {
1216  return GetPtr();
1217  }
1234  const _myType& operator+= (const _myType& strString)
1235  {
1236  Append(strString);
1237  return *this;
1238  }
1246  tBool operator==(const tChar* pString) const
1247  {
1248  return (cStringUtil::Compare(GetPtr(), pString) == 0);
1249  }
1257  tBool operator!=(const tChar* pString) const
1258  {
1259  return (cStringUtil::Compare(GetPtr(), pString) != 0);
1260  }
1268  tBool operator< (const tChar* pString) const
1269  {
1270  return (cStringUtil::Compare(GetPtr(), pString) < 0);
1271  }
1279  tBool operator> (const tChar* pString) const
1280  {
1281  return (cStringUtil::Compare(GetPtr(), pString) > 0);
1282  }
1291  tBool operator<=(const tChar* pString) const
1292  {
1293  return (cStringUtil::Compare(GetPtr(), pString) <= 0);
1294  }
1303  tBool operator>=(const tChar* pString) const
1304  {
1305  return (cStringUtil::Compare(GetPtr(), pString) >= 0);
1306  }
1315  tBool operator==(const _myType& strString) const
1316  {
1317  return (Compare(strString) == 0);
1318  }
1326  tBool operator!=(const _myType& strString) const
1327  {
1328  return (Compare(strString) != 0);
1329  }
1337  tBool operator< (const _myType& strString) const
1338  {
1339  return (Compare(strString) < 0);
1340  }
1348  tBool operator> (const _myType& strString) const
1349  {
1350  return (Compare(strString) > 0);
1351  }
1360  tBool operator<=(const _myType& strString) const
1361  {
1362  return (Compare(strString) <= 0);
1363  }
1372  tBool operator>=(const _myType& strString) const
1373  {
1374  return (Compare(strString) >= 0);
1375  }
1393  _myType SubString(tSize nPos, tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
1394  {
1395  if (nPos > GetLength())
1396  {
1397  return Empty;
1398  }
1399  return m_oStorageBuffer.substr(nPos, nLength);
1400  }
1421  _myType Mid(tSize nPos, tSize nLength = InvalidPos) const
1422  {
1423  if (IsEmpty() || nPos >= GetLength() || nPos == InvalidPos)
1424  {
1425  return Empty;
1426  }
1427  _myType strRes;
1428  if (nLength == InvalidPos)
1429  {
1430  strRes = SubString(nPos);
1431  }
1432  else
1433  {
1434  strRes = SubString(nPos, nLength);
1435  }
1436  return strRes;
1437  }
1454  _myType Left(tSize nLength) const
1455  {
1456  return SubString(0, nLength);
1457  }
1474  _myType Right(tSize nLength) const
1475  {
1476  tSize nPos = (GetLength() - nLength);
1477  if (GetLength() < nLength)
1478  {
1479  nPos = 0;
1480  }
1481  else
1482  {
1483  nPos = GetLength() - nLength;
1484  }
1485  return SubString(nPos, nLength);
1486  }
1501  tVoid Split(string_list_base<_myType>& lstSplittedResult, tChar cToken) const
1502  {
1503  Split(lstSplittedResult, _myType(cToken));
1504  }
1518  tVoid Split(string_list_base<_myType>& lstSplittedResult, const _myType& strToken) const
1519  {
1520  lstSplittedResult.Clear();
1521  if (IsEmpty())
1522  {
1523  return;
1524  }
1526  tSize nTokenLen = strToken.GetLength();
1527  tSize nPos = InvalidPos;
1528  tSize nStartPos;
1529  tSize nToSplitStringSize = GetLength();
1530  do
1531  {
1532  nStartPos = nPos + 1;
1533  nPos = Find(strToken, nStartPos);
1534  if (nPos != InvalidPos)
1535  {
1536  if (nPos != 0)
1537  {
1538  lstSplittedResult.Append(Mid(nStartPos, nPos - nStartPos));
1539  }
1540  else
1541  {
1542  lstSplittedResult.Append(_myType(""));
1543  }
1544  nPos += nTokenLen - 1;
1545  }
1546  else
1547  {
1548  if (nStartPos < nToSplitStringSize)
1549  {
1550  lstSplittedResult.Append(Mid(nStartPos));
1551  }
1552  else if (EndsWith(strToken))
1553  {
1554  lstSplittedResult.Append(_myType(""));
1555  }
1556  break;
1557  }
1558  } while (nPos != InvalidPos);
1559  }
1575  tVoid SplitToken(string_list_base<_myType>& lstList, const _myType& strTokenList) const
1576  {
1577  lstList.Clear();
1579  _myType strPart;
1581  tSize nLastPos = 0;
1582  tSize nPos = 0;
1583  while (nPos != InvalidPos)
1584  {
1585  nPos = FindToken(strTokenList, nLastPos);
1586  if (nPos == InvalidPos)
1587  {
1588  strPart = Mid(nLastPos);
1589  if (strPart.IsNotEmpty())
1590  {
1591  lstList.Append(strPart);
1592  }
1593  break;
1594  }
1595  else
1596  {
1597  if (nPos > nLastPos)
1598  {
1599  strPart = Mid(nLastPos, nPos - nLastPos);
1600  lstList.Append(strPart);
1601  }
1602  nLastPos = nPos + 1;
1603  }
1604  }
1605  }
1614  {
1615  LeftTrim();
1616  RightTrim();
1617  }
1629  {
1630  tSize szLength = 0;
1631  tBool bLast0 = tFalse;
1632  iterator it = begin();
1633  for (;
1634  it != end() && (cStringUtil::IsWhiteChar(*it) || (bNumTrim && *it == '0'));
1635  it++)
1636  {
1637  if (*it == '0')
1638  {
1639  bLast0 = tTrue;
1640  }
1641  else
1642  {
1643  bLast0 = tFalse;
1644  }
1645  szLength++;
1646  }
1647  if (it != end() && bNumTrim && bLast0 && cStringUtil::IsOneOf(*it,".,"))
1648  {
1649  szLength--;
1650  }
1651  Delete(0, szLength);
1652  }
1659  {
1660  tSize szLength = 0;
1661  for (reverse_iterator it = rbegin();
1662  it != rend() && cStringUtil::IsWhiteChar(*it);
1663  it++)
1664  {
1665  szLength++;
1666  }
1667  Delete(GetLength() - szLength, InvalidPos);
1668  }
1677  {
1678  //@TODO : should be optimized
1679  LeftTrim(tTrue);
1680  RightTrim();
1682  if (IsEmpty())
1683  {
1684  return;
1685  }
1687  tSize nPoint = FindToken(_myType(".,"));
1688  if (nPoint != InvalidPos)
1689  {
1690  tSize nPos = GetLength() - 1;
1691  tChar c;
1692  tBool bLastWasZero = tFalse;
1693  while (nPos != InvalidPos)
1694  {
1695  c = GetAt(nPos);
1696  if (c == '0')
1697  {
1698  bLastWasZero = tTrue;
1699  }
1700  else if (c == ' ')
1701  {
1702  bLastWasZero = tFalse;
1703  }
1704  else
1705  {
1706  if (cStringUtil::IsOneOf(c, ".,") && bLastWasZero) // keep trailing zero
1707  {
1708  nPos++;
1709  }
1711  break;
1712  }
1713  nPos--;
1714  }
1715  Delete(nPos + 1);
1716  }
1717  }
1726  {
1727  if (IsEmpty())
1728  {
1729  return;
1730  }
1732  tSize nEndPos = GetLength() - 1;
1734  if (*rbegin() == '\"' || *rbegin() == '\'')
1735  {
1736  Delete(nEndPos, 1);
1737  }
1739  if (*begin() == '\"' || *begin() == '\'')
1740  {
1741  Delete(0, 1);
1742  }
1743  }
1752  {
1753  if (IsEmpty())
1754  {
1755  return;
1756  }
1757  for (auto it = begin();
1758  it != end();
1759  ++it)
1760  {
1761  // tolower delivers an int, but we can assume that it fits into char
1762  *it = static_cast<tChar>(::tolower(*it));
1763  }
1765  }
1774  {
1775  if (IsEmpty())
1776  {
1777  return;
1778  }
1779  for (auto it = begin();
1780  it != end();
1781  ++it)
1782  {
1783  *it = ::toupper(static_cast<tChar>(*it));
1784  }
1785  }
1794  {
1795  //@TODO : this needs to be rework using stack!!
1796  if (IsEmpty())
1797  {
1798  return *this;
1799  }
1801  _myType oTemp;
1802  oTemp.SetBuffer(GetLength() * 2 + 1);
1804  iterator ptr2 = oTemp.begin();
1805  const tChar* ptr = GetPtr();
1807  tChar c1, c2;
1808  tBool bEscaped;
1809  tSize szEnd = oTemp.GetBufferSize();
1810  tSize szCounter = 0;
1811  while (*ptr != '\0' && szCounter < szEnd)
1812  {
1813  c1 = *ptr;
1814  bEscaped = tTrue;
1815  switch (c1)
1816  {
1817  case '\a':
1818  c2 = 'a';
1819  break;
1820  case '\b':
1821  c2 = 'b';
1822  break;
1823  case '\f':
1824  c2 = 'f';
1825  break;
1826  case '\n':
1827  c2 = 'n';
1828  break;
1829  case '\r':
1830  c2 = 'r';
1831  break;
1832  case '\t':
1833  c2 = 't';
1834  break;
1835  case '\v':
1836  c2 = 'v';
1837  break;
1838  case '\'':
1839  c2 = '\'';
1840  break;
1841  case '\"':
1842  c2 = '\"';
1843  break;
1844  case '\\':
1845  c2 = '\\';
1846  break;
1847  case '\?':
1848  c2 = '\?';
1849  break;
1850  default:
1851  c2 = c1;
1852  bEscaped = tFalse;
1853  break;
1854  }
1856  if (bEscaped)
1857  {
1858  *(ptr2++) = '\\';
1859  }
1861  *(ptr2++) = c2;
1863  ptr++;
1864  }
1866  *ptr2 = '\0';
1868  Set(oTemp);
1869  return *this;
1870  }
1879  {
1880  //@TODO : this needs to be rework using stack only!!
1881  if (IsEmpty())
1882  {
1883  return (*this);
1884  }
1886  _myType oTemp;
1887  oTemp.SetBuffer(GetLength() + 1);
1889  iterator ptr2 = oTemp.begin();
1890  const tChar* ptr = GetPtr();
1892  tChar c1, c2;
1893  while (*ptr != '\0')
1894  {
1895  if (*ptr != '\\')
1896  {
1897  *(ptr2++) = *ptr;
1898  }
1899  else
1900  {
1901  ptr++;
1902  c1 = *ptr;
1903  switch (c1)
1904  {
1905  case 'a':
1906  c2 = '\a';
1907  break;
1908  case 'b':
1909  c2 = '\b';
1910  break;
1911  case 'f':
1912  c2 = '\f';
1913  break;
1914  case 'n':
1915  c2 = '\n';
1916  break;
1917  case 'r':
1918  c2 = '\r';
1919  break;
1920  case 't':
1921  c2 = '\t';
1922  break;
1923  case 'v':
1924  c2 = '\v';
1925  break;
1926  case '\'':
1927  c2 = '\'';
1928  break;
1929  case '\"':
1930  c2 = '\"';
1931  break;
1932  case '\\':
1933  c2 = '\\';
1934  break;
1935  case '\?':
1936  c2 = '\?';
1937  break;
1938  default:
1939  c2 = *ptr;
1940  break;
1941  }
1943  *(ptr2++) = c2;
1944  }
1946  ptr++;
1947  }
1948  *ptr2 = '\0';
1950  Set(oTemp);
1951  return *this;
1952  }
1964  {
1965  return cStringUtil::IsInteger(GetPtr());
1966  }
1980  tBool IsFloat() const
1981  {
1982  return cStringUtil::IsFloat(GetPtr());
1983  }
1995  {
1996  return (IsInteger() || IsFloat());
1997  }
1999  public:
2009  static _myType Repeat(tChar c, tSize nCount)
2010  {
2011  return _myType().Set(c, nCount);
2012  }
2026  tInt32 AsInt32() const
2027  {
2028  tInt32 nRetValue = 0;
2029  ToType(nRetValue);
2030  return nRetValue;
2031  }
2043  tVoid ToType(tInt32& i32Value) const
2044  {
2045  cStringUtil::ToType(GetPtr(), i32Value);
2046  }
2056  static _myType FromType(tInt32 i32Value, const _myType& strFormat = Empty)
2057  {
2058  return _myType(ToStringFromType(i32Value, strFormat.m_oStorageBuffer));
2059  }
2073  {
2074  tUInt32 nRetValue = 0;
2075  ToType(nRetValue);
2076  return nRetValue;
2077  }
2090  tVoid ToType(tUInt32& ui32Value) const
2091  {
2092  cStringUtil::ToType(GetPtr(), ui32Value);
2093  }
2103  static _myType FromType(tUInt32 ui32Value, const _myType& strFormat = Empty)
2104  {
2105  return ToStringFromType(ui32Value, strFormat.m_oStorageBuffer);
2106  }
2121  tInt64 AsInt64() const
2122  {
2123  tInt64 nRetValue = 0;
2124  ToType(nRetValue);
2125  return nRetValue;
2126  }
2140  tVoid ToType(tInt64& i64Value) const
2141  {
2142  cStringUtil::ToType(GetPtr(), i64Value);
2143  }
2154  static _myType FromType(tInt64 i64Value, const _myType& strFormat = Empty)
2155  {
2156  return ToStringFromType(i64Value, strFormat.m_oStorageBuffer);
2157  }
2171  {
2172  tUInt64 nRetValue = 0;
2173  ToType(nRetValue);
2174  return nRetValue;
2175  }
2188  tVoid ToType(tUInt64& ui64Value) const
2189  {
2190  cStringUtil::ToType(GetPtr(), ui64Value);
2191  }
2202  static _myType FromType(tUInt64 ui64Value, const _myType& strFormat = Empty)
2203  {
2204  return ToStringFromType(ui64Value, strFormat);
2205  }
2219  {
2220  tFloat64 fRetValue = 0;
2221  ToType(fRetValue);
2222  return fRetValue;
2223  }
2235  tVoid ToType(tFloat64& f64Value) const
2236  {
2237  cStringUtil::ToType(GetPtr(), f64Value);
2238  }
2249  static _myType FromType(tFloat64 f64Value, const _myType& strFormat = Empty)
2250  {
2251  return ToStringFromType(f64Value, strFormat);
2252  }
2266  {
2267  tFloat32 fRetValue = 0;
2268  ToType(fRetValue);
2269  return fRetValue;
2270  }
2282  tVoid ToType(tFloat32& f32Value) const
2283  {
2284  cStringUtil::ToType(GetPtr(), f32Value);
2285  }
2296  static _myType FromType(tFloat32 f32Value, const _myType& strFormat = Empty)
2297  {
2298  return ToStringFromType(f32Value, strFormat);
2299  }
2311  tBool AsBool() const
2312  {
2313  tBool bRetValue = 0;
2314  ToType(bRetValue);
2315  return bRetValue;
2316  }
2328  tVoid ToType(tBool& bValue) const
2329  {
2330  cStringUtil::ToType(GetPtr(), bValue);
2331  }
2342  static _myType FromType(tBool bValue, const _myType& strFormat = Empty)
2343  {
2344  return ToStringFromType(bValue, strFormat);
2345  }
2355  {
2356  tInt64 nRetValue = 0;
2357  HexToType(nRetValue);
2358  return nRetValue;
2359  }
2367  {
2368  return m_oStorageBuffer.max_size();
2369  }
2381  tVoid HexToType(tInt64& i64Value) const
2382  {
2383  cStringUtil::HexToType(GetPtr(), i64Value);
2384  }
2405  static inline _myType Format(
2406 #ifdef _MSC_VER
2407  _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_
2408 #endif // _MSC_VER
2409  const value_type* strFormat,
2410  ...)
2411 #ifdef __GNUC__
2412  __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
2413 #endif // __GNUC__
2414  {
2415  va_list args, args_copy;
2416  va_start(args, strFormat);
2417  va_copy(args_copy, args);
2418  _myType strBuffer;
2419  strBuffer.SetBuffer(static_cast<size_t>(::std::vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, strFormat, args_copy)));
2420  va_end(args_copy);
2421  ::std::vsnprintf(strBuffer.GetBuffer(), strBuffer.GetBufferSize() + 1, strFormat, args);
2422  va_end(args);
2423  return strBuffer;
2424  }
2435  template<typename T>
2436  static _myType ToStringFromType(T oValue, const _myType& strFormat)
2437  {
2438  _myType strResult;
2439  tSize szMaxSize = strResult.GetMaxBufferSize();
2440  tSize szCurrentBuffer = 42;
2441  if (szMaxSize < szCurrentBuffer)
2442  {
2443  szCurrentBuffer = szMaxSize;
2444  }
2445  strResult.SetBuffer(szCurrentBuffer);
2446  cStringUtil::FromType(oValue, strResult.GetBuffer(), strResult.GetBufferSize(), strFormat.GetPtr());
2447  return strResult;
2448  }
2460  static _myType& Copy(_myType& strDestination, const _myType& strSource, tSize szLength = InvalidPos)
2461  {
2462  return strDestination.Set(strSource, szLength);
2463  }
2465 };
2467 template <typename T> const string_base<T> string_base<T>::Empty;
2468 template <typename T> const tSize string_base<T>::InvalidPos = g_npos;
2473 template<class sT, class sT2>
2475 {
2482  tBool operator()(const string_base<sT>& str1, const string_base<sT2>& str2) const
2483  {
2484  return ((str1.Compare(str2)) < 0);
2485  }
2486 };
2493 template<class sT, class sT2>
2495 {
2502  tBool operator()(const string_base<sT>& str1, const string_base<sT2>& str2) const
2503  {
2504  return ((str1.CompareNoCase(str2)) < 0);
2505  }
2506 };
2514 template<class sT>
2515 tBool operator==(const tChar* str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2516 {
2517  return str2.IsEqual(str1);
2518 }
2526 template<class sT>
2527 tBool operator!=(const tChar* str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2528 {
2529  return str2.IsNotEqual(str1);
2530 }
2538 template<class sT>
2539 tBool operator<(const tChar* str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2540 {
2541  return (str2.Compare(str1) > 0);
2542 }
2550 template<class sT>
2551 tBool operator>(const tChar* str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2552 {
2553  return (str2.Compare(str1) < 0);
2554 }
2562 template<class sT>
2563 tBool operator<=(const tChar* str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2564 {
2565  return (str2.Compare(str1) >= 0);
2566 }
2574 template<class sT>
2575 tBool operator>=(const tChar* str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2576 {
2577  return (str2.Compare(str1) <= 0);
2578 }
2587 template<class sT>
2588 tBool operator==(const std::string& str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2589 {
2590  return str2.IsEqual(str1);
2591 }
2599 template<class sT>
2600 tBool operator!=(const std::string& str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2601 {
2602  return str2.IsNotEqual(str1);
2603 }
2611 template<class sT>
2612 tBool operator<(const std::string& str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2613 {
2614  return (str2.Compare(str1) > 0);
2615 }
2623 template<class sT>
2624 tBool operator>(const std::string& str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2625 {
2626  return (str2.Compare(str1) < 0);
2627 }
2635 template<class sT>
2636 tBool operator<=(const std::string& str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2637 {
2638  return (str2.Compare(str1) >= 0);
2639 }
2647 template<class sT>
2648 tBool operator>=(const std::string& str1, const string_base<sT>& str2)
2649 {
2650  return (str2.Compare(str1) <= 0);
2651 }
2659 template<class sT>
2660 tBool operator==(const string_base<sT>& str1, const std::string& str2)
2661 {
2662  return str1.IsEqual(str2);
2663 }
2671 template<class sT>
2672 tBool operator!=(const string_base<sT>& str1, const std::string& str2)
2673 {
2674  return str1.IsNotEqual(str2);
2675 }
2683 template<class sT>
2684 tBool operator<(const string_base<sT>& str1, const std::string& str2)
2685 {
2686  return (str1.Compare(str2) < 0);
2687 }
2695 template<class sT>
2696 tBool operator>(const string_base<sT>& str1, const std::string& str2)
2697 {
2698  return (str1.Compare(str2) > 0);
2699 }
2707 template<class sT>
2708 tBool operator<=(const string_base<sT>& str1, const std::string& str2)
2709 {
2710  return (str1.Compare(str2) <= 0);
2711 }
2719 template<class sT>
2720 tBool operator>=(const string_base<sT>& str1, const std::string& str2)
2721 {
2722  return (str1.Compare(str2) >= 0);
2723 }
2734 template<class sT, class sT2>
2736 {
2737  return string_base<sT>(str1).Append(str2);
2738 }
2749 template<class sT>
2751 {
2752  return string_base<sT>(str1).Append(str2);
2753 }
2764 template<class sT>
2766 {
2767  return string_base<sT>(str1).Append(str2);
2768 }
2796 } // namespace A_UTILS_NS
char tChar
The tChar defines the type for platform character set (platform and compiler dependent type).
int64_t tInt64
type definition for signed integer values (64bit) (platform and compiler independent type).
int32_t tInt32
type definition for signed integer values (32bit) (platform and compiler independent type).
float tFloat32
type definition for Float32 (32bit float values) (platform and compiler independent type).
void tVoid
The tVoid is always the definition for the void (non-type).
int tInt
type definition for signed integer value (platform and compiler dependent type).
double tFloat64
type definition for Float64 (64bit double values) (platform and compiler independent type).
bool tBool
The tBool defines the type for the Values tTrue and tFalse (platform and compiler dependent).
uint32_t tUInt32
type definition for unsigned integer values (32bit) (platform and compiler independent type).
size_t tSize
type definition for a array size values, map size values etc.
uint64_t tUInt64
type definition for unsigned integer values (64bit) (platform and compiler independent type).
static tInt CompareNoCase(const tChar *str1, const tChar *str2, tSize nPos, tSize nLength)
This function compares a cString object with another string using the generic-text function _tcsicmp.
static tBool IsInteger(const tChar *strToCheck, tSize nLength=InvalidPos)
Check if string content represents an integer value.
static tInt Compare(const tChar *str1, const tChar *str2, tSize nPos, tSize nLength)
This function compares two given strings using the generic-text function _tcscmp.
static tBool IsFloat(const tChar *strToCheck)
Check if string content represents a floating point value.
static tVoid HexToType(const tChar *strString, tInt64 &i64Value)
This function converts a hexadecimal string representation to an integer value.
static tVoid ToType(const tChar *strString, tInt32 &i32Value)
Escape control characters.
static tSize GetLength(const tChar *pcStr)
Returns the length of the string.
static const tChar * FromType(tInt32 i32Value, tChar *strBufferResult, tSize szBufferResult, const tChar *strFormat="")
This function creates a new cString object from a tInt32 value.
static tBool IsWhiteChar(tChar c)
This function checks if a given tChar value is a whitespace character.
static tBool IsOneOf(tChar cValue, const tChar *strTokenList)
Checks if the character is contained in the token list.
String Class.
Definition: string.h:31
tBool IsEqual(const _myType &strCmp, tSize nPos=0, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function checks if the two strings are equal (case sensitive)
Definition: string.h:761
tVoid ToLower()
This function converts a cStringA object to a lowercase string.
Definition: string.h:1751
tVoid Trim()
This function removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from a cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1613
string_base & operator=(const string_base< T2 > &strValue)
Constructor that initalizes an existing cString object with the spezified string value.
Definition: string.h:123
static const tSize InvalidPos
used to identicate out of range, invalidpos or default length
Definition: string.h:56
_StorageType::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator
short typedefinition for cString reverse iterators
Definition: string.h:50
_myType & Set(tChar c, tSize nCount)
Assigns a new value to a cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:295
tInt32 AsInt32() const
This function converts the string to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2026
tBool IsNotEqualNoCase(const _myType &strCmp, tSize nPos=0, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function checks if the two strings are not equal (case insensitive)
Definition: string.h:814
tSize Find(tChar cToFind, tSize nStart=0) const
This function searches the cStringA object for the first match of the specified character.
Definition: string.h:869
tVoid LeftTrim(tBool bNumTrim=tFalse)
This function removes leading whitespace characters or leading zero characters from a cStringA object...
Definition: string.h:1628
tInt64 HexToInt64() const
This function converts a hexadecimal string representation to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2354
tVoid ToType(tUInt32 &ui32Value) const
This function converts the string to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2090
tVoid ToType(tBool &bValue) const
This function converts the string to a boolean value.
Definition: string.h:2328
string_base & operator=(const _StorageType &strValue)
The cString assignment (=) operator assigns a new value to the existing cString object.
Definition: string.h:134
static _myType FromType(tFloat64 f64Value, const _myType &strFormat=Empty)
This function creates a new cString object from a numeric value.
Definition: string.h:2249
tBool IsEqualNoCase(const _myType &strCmp, tSize nPos=0, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function checks if the two strings are equal (case insensitive)
Definition: string.h:779
tVoid ToType(tFloat64 &f64Value) const
This function converts the string to a floating-point value.
Definition: string.h:2235
_myType & Insert(const _myType &strToInsertString, tSize nPos, tSize nLength=InvalidPos)
This function inserts a string into the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:640
tChar & operator[](tSize nIdx)
array access operator
Definition: string.h:432
Constructor that initializes an empty cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:67
tSize Filter(const _myType &strCharList)
This function removes all occurrences of each character given in a token list.
Definition: string.h:1103
tVoid RightTrim()
This function removes trailing whitespace characters from a cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1658
tBool EndsWith(const _myType &strEndsWith, const tBool bNoCase=tFalse) const
This function checks if the string ends with a given postfix.
Definition: string.h:1182
_StorageType::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator
short typedefinition for cString reverse iterators
Definition: string.h:48
static _myType FromType(tInt64 i64Value, const _myType &strFormat=Empty)
This function creates a new cString object from a numeric value.
Definition: string.h:2154
_StorageType::iterator iterator
short typedefinition for cString iterators
Definition: string.h:44
_StorageType m_oStorageBuffer
storage buffer
Definition: string.h:59
tInt Compare(const tChar *strString, tSize nPos=0, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function compares a cStringA object with another string using the generic-text function _tcscmp.
Definition: string.h:716
tChar GetAt(tSize nIdx) const
You can think of a cStringA object as an array of characters.
Definition: string.h:383
tSize CountString(const _myType &strFind, tSize nStart=0) const
This counts the occurrences of a given substring in a string.
Definition: string.h:968
tSize GetMaxBufferSize() const
Return maximum size of string buffer.
Definition: string.h:2366
const_iterator cbegin() const
Iterator to beginning.
Definition: string.h:205
tBool IsNotEmpty() const
This function checks if the string object is not empty.
Definition: string.h:460
static _myType Repeat(tChar c, tSize nCount)
Creates a string from a repeated character.
Definition: string.h:2009
const _myType & operator+=(const _myType &strString)
The += concatenation operator joins characters to the end of this string.
Definition: string.h:1234
tBool operator>(const tChar *pString) const
Checks if a string is lexicographically smaller than the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1279
tSize Replace(const _myType &strOld, const _myType &strNew, tBool bReplaceAll=tTrue)
This function replaces one substring by another.
Definition: string.h:1001
static _myType FromType(tBool bValue, const _myType &strFormat=Empty)
This function creates a new cString object from a boolean value.
Definition: string.h:2342
tBool AsBool() const
This function converts the string to a boolean value.
Definition: string.h:2311
tSize GetBufferSize() const
Get the size of the internal allocated string buffer.
Definition: string.h:362
tBool operator==(const _myType &strString) const
Checks if a string equals the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1315
tUInt32 AsUInt32() const
This function converts the string to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2072
tFloat32 AsFloat32() const
This function converts the string to a floating-point value.
Definition: string.h:2265
const tChar * GetPtr() const
This function returns the current string as an array of characters (c-style)
Definition: string.h:473
static _myType FromType(tFloat32 f32Value, const _myType &strFormat=Empty)
This function creates a new cString object from a numeric value.
Definition: string.h:2296
static _myType & Copy(_myType &strDestination, const _myType &strSource, tSize szLength=InvalidPos)
Copies the value of one StringObject to another Stringobject.
Definition: string.h:2460
tInt Compare(const _myType &strString, tSize nPos=0, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function compares a cStringA object with another string using the generic-text function _tcscmp.
Definition: string.h:695
_myType & Set(const _myType &strStringToSet, tSize nLength=InvalidPos)
Assigns a new value to a cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:246
string_base(const string_base< T2 > &strValue)
Constructor that initalizes an existing cString object with the spezified string value.
Definition: string.h:117
string_base< storageT > _myType
definition my type
Definition: string.h:35
tBool operator<(const tChar *pString) const
Checks if a string is lexicographically greater than the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1268
tChar * GetBuffer()
This function returns the pointer to the data.
Definition: string.h:486
tVoid Split(string_list_base< _myType > &lstSplittedResult, const _myType &strToken) const
This function splits up a single cStringA object into several parts using a token string.
Definition: string.h:1518
static _myType ToStringFromType(T oValue, const _myType &strFormat)
This function creates a new cString object from a numeric value.
Definition: string.h:2436
tSize Filter(tChar cChar)
This function removes all occurrences of a given character from a string.
Definition: string.h:1087
tSize Replace(tChar cOld, tChar cNew, tBool bReplaceAll=tTrue)
This function replaces one character by another.
Definition: string.h:1053
tVoid ToType(tInt64 &i64Value) const
This function converts the string to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2140
tInt CompareNoCase(const _myType &strString, tSize nPos=0, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function compares a cStringA object with another string using the generic-text function _tcsicmp...
Definition: string.h:744
tVoid ToUpper()
This function converts a cStringA object to an uppercase string.
Definition: string.h:1773
const tChar & operator[](tSize nIdx) const
array access operator
Definition: string.h:420
static _myType FromType(tUInt64 ui64Value, const _myType &strFormat=Empty)
This function creates a new cString object from a numeric value.
Definition: string.h:2202
reverse_iterator rend()
Reverse iterator to end.
Definition: string.h:200
tInt64 AsInt64() const
This function converts the string to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2121
tSize GetLength() const
This function returns the number of characters in a cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:315
_myType Right(tSize nLength) const
Extracts the last (that is, rightmost) nLength characters from the cStringA object and returns a copy...
Definition: string.h:1474
tBool operator!=(const _myType &strString) const
Checks if a string not equals the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1326
virtual ~string_base()
Definition: string.h:176
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
Reverse iterator to beginning.
Definition: string.h:215
string_base(const _StorageType &strValue)
Constructor that initalizes an existing cString object with the spezified string value.
Definition: string.h:129
tBool IsInteger() const
Check if string content represents an integer value.
Definition: string.h:1963
static _myType FromType(tInt32 i32Value, const _myType &strFormat=Empty)
This function creates a new cString object from a numeric value.
Definition: string.h:2056
_myType SubString(tSize nPos, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function extracts a substring of length nLength characters from the cStringA object,...
Definition: string.h:1393
static _myType Format(const value_type *strFormat,...)
Write formatted data to a string.
Definition: string.h:2405
const_iterator cend() const
Iterator to end.
Definition: string.h:210
tVoid ToType(tInt32 &i32Value) const
This function converts the string to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2043
tBool operator<=(const tChar *pString) const
Checks if a string is lexicographically greater than or equal to the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1291
string_base & operator=(const tChar *strValue)
The cString assignment (=) operator assigns a new value to the existing cString object.
Definition: string.h:166
_myType Mid(tSize nPos, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function extracts a substring of length nLength characters from the cStringA object,...
Definition: string.h:1421
tVoid Clear()
Makes this cStringA object an empty string and frees memory as appropriate.
Definition: string.h:230
_StorageType::const_iterator const_iterator
short typedefinition for cString iterators
Definition: string.h:46
static _myType FromType(tUInt32 ui32Value, const _myType &strFormat=Empty)
This function creates a new cString object from a numeric value.
Definition: string.h:2103
tBool StartsWith(const _myType &strStartsWith, const tBool bNoCase=tFalse) const
This function checks if the string starts with a given prefix.
Definition: string.h:1137
tVoid Split(string_list_base< _myType > &lstSplittedResult, tChar cToken) const
This function splits up a single cStringA object into several parts using a token character.
Definition: string.h:1501
tVoid NumTrim()
This function removes whitespace and redundant zero characters from a cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1676
tBool IsFloat() const
Check if string content represents a floating point value.
Definition: string.h:1980
string_base & operator=(const tChar &strValue)
The cString assignment (=) operator assigns a new value to the existing cString object.
Definition: string.h:145
_myType & Append(const _myType &strString, tSize nLength=InvalidPos)
This function appends a string to the end of the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:503
_StorageType::value_type value_type
definition of value type
Definition: string.h:41
tBool IsNotEqual(const _myType &strCmp, tSize nPos=0, tSize nLength=InvalidPos) const
This function checks if the two strings are not equal (case sensitive)
Definition: string.h:796
tSize RFind(tChar cChar, tSize nStart=0) const
This function searches the cStringA object for the last match of the specified character.
Definition: string.h:890
tBool IsEmpty() const
This function checks if the string object is empty.
Definition: string.h:447
tVoid HexToType(tInt64 &i64Value) const
This function converts a hexadecimal string representation to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2381
_myType & Append(tChar c)
This function appends one character to the end of the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:543
tVoid SetAt(tSize nIdx, tChar c)
The SetAt member function sets a single character at a specified position.
Definition: string.h:404
string_base & operator=(_myType &&strValue)
The cString assignment (=) operator assigns a new value to the existing cString object.
Definition: string.h:107
string_base & operator=(const _myType &strValue)
The cString assignment (=) operator assigns a new value to the existing cString object.
Definition: string.h:89
string_base(const _myType &strValue)
Constructor that initalizes an existing cString object with the spezified string value.
Definition: string.h:76
tVoid DropQuotes()
This function removes quotes from a cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1725
const_reverse_iterator crend() const
Reverse iterator to end.
Definition: string.h:220
tBool IsNumeric() const
Check if string content represents a numeric value.
Definition: string.h:1994
string_base(const tChar *strValue)
Constructor that initalizes an existing cString object with the spezified string value.
Definition: string.h:151
iterator end()
Iterator to end.
Definition: string.h:190
tSize SetBuffer(tSize szSize)
Sets or resizes the internal string buffer.
Definition: string.h:334
reverse_iterator rbegin()
Reverse iterator to beginning.
Definition: string.h:195
static const _myType Empty
Internally used empty string.
Definition: string.h:54
string_base(_myType &&strValue)
Constructor that initalizes an existing cString object with the spezified string value.
Definition: string.h:102
tSize FindNotToken(const _myType &strTokenList, tSize nStart=0) const
This function searches a string for the first character that matches none of the characters contained...
Definition: string.h:943
_myType & Unescape()
Escape control characters.
Definition: string.h:1878
tBool operator==(const tChar *pString) const
Checks if a string equals the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1246
iterator begin()
Iterator to beginning.
Definition: string.h:185
string_base(const tChar &strValue)
Constructor that initalizes an existing cString object with the spezified string value.
Definition: string.h:140
tBool operator>=(const tChar *pString) const
Checks if a string is lexicographically smaller than or equal to the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1303
string_base(const tChar *strValue, tSize szLength)
Constructor that initalizes an existing cString object with the spezified string value.
Definition: string.h:161
tVoid ToType(tFloat32 &f32Value) const
This function converts the string to a floating-point value.
Definition: string.h:2282
tBool operator>=(const _myType &strString) const
Checks if a string is lexicographically smaller than or equal to the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1372
_myType & Escape()
Escape control characters.
Definition: string.h:1793
tUInt64 AsUInt64() const
This function converts the string to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2170
tVoid SplitToken(string_list_base< _myType > &lstList, const _myType &strTokenList) const
Split string using a token list.
Definition: string.h:1575
tFloat64 AsFloat64() const
This function converts the string to a floating-point value.
Definition: string.h:2218
tBool operator<=(const _myType &strString) const
Checks if a string is lexicographically greater than or equal to the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1360
_myType Left(tSize nLength) const
Extracts the first (that is, leftmost) nLength characters from the cStringA object and returns a copy...
Definition: string.h:1454
tVoid ToType(tUInt64 &ui64Value) const
This function converts the string to an integer value.
Definition: string.h:2188
storageT _StorageType
definition storage type
Definition: string.h:37
tBool operator!=(const tChar *pString) const
Checks if a string does not equal the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:1257
tSize FindToken(const _myType &strTokenList, tSize nStart=0) const
This function searches a string for the first character that matches any character contained in a tok...
Definition: string.h:914
_myType & Set(const tChar *pString, tSize nLength=InvalidPos)
Assigns a new value to a cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:269
_myType & Insert(const tChar *pToInsertString, tSize nPos, tSize nLength=InvalidPos)
This function inserts a string into the cStringA object.
Definition: string.h:666
_myType & Delete(tSize nPos, tSize nLength=InvalidPos)
This function deletes a substring of length nLength characters from the cStringA object,...
Definition: string.h:584
tSize Find(const _myType &strStringToFind, tSize nStart=0, const tBool bNoCase=tFalse) const
This function searches the cStringA object for the first match of a substring.
Definition: string.h:837
forward declaration
Definition: stringlist.h:21
tResult Append(const storageT &strString)
This function appends one string to the list.
Definition: stringlist.h:277
tVoid Clear()
This function cleans up the list and frees all allocated memory blocks.
Definition: stringlist.h:259
#define tFalse
Value for tBool.
Definition: constants.h:60
#define tTrue
Value for tBool.
Definition: constants.h:62
ADTF A_UTIL Namespace - Within adtf this is used as adtf::util or adtf_util.
Definition: d_ptr.h:11
string_base_no_case_compare_func< cStackString, cStackString > cStringNoCaseCompareFunc
Compare functor for the cStackString.
Definition: string.h:2795
simple_pointer_iterator< T >::difference_type operator+(const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r1, const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r2)
Define arithmetic + operation between iterators.
bool operator>=(const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r1, const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r2)
Define greater or equal to operator between iterators.
tBool operator==(const cMultiArrayIndex &o_A, const cMultiArrayIndex &o_B)
Comparison operator.
string_base< cStackString > cString
cString implementation for a stack string which works on stack if string is lower than A_UTILS_DEFAUL...
Definition: string.h:2784
stack_string_base< A_UTILS_DEFAULT_SIZE_OF_STRING, growinheap_out_of_range > cStackString
cStackString implementation for a stack string which works on stack if string is lower than A_UTILS_D...
Definition: string.h:2777
bool operator<(const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r1, const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r2)
Define lesser than operator between iterators.
tBool operator!=(const cMultiArrayIndex &o_A, const cMultiArrayIndex &o_B)
Comparison operator.
string_base_compare_func< cStackString, cStackString > cStringCompareFunc
Compare functor for the cStackString.
Definition: string.h:2790
bool operator>(const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r1, const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r2)
Define greater than operator between iterators.
bool operator<=(const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r1, const simple_pointer_iterator< T > &r2)
Define lesser or equal to operator between iterators.
Compare function for stl container e.g.
Definition: string.h:2475
tBool operator()(const string_base< sT > &str1, const string_base< sT2 > &str2) const
String compare function.
Definition: string.h:2482
Compare function for stl container e.g.
Definition: string.h:2495
tBool operator()(const string_base< sT > &str1, const string_base< sT2 > &str2) const
String compare function.
Definition: string.h:2502