streammetatypeplain.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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struct  stream_meta_type_plain
 Use this Stream Meta Type if your sample data will be any of this type: bool, uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t, float or double. More...
class  stream_type_plain< T >
 Generator template to create an instance of a ant::IStreamType class for ant::stream_meta_type_plain ("adtf/plaintype"). More...
struct  stream_meta_type_plain
 Use this Stream Meta Type if your sample data will be any of this type: bool, uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t, float, double or plain array T[], std::array, std::vector of them. More...
class  stream_type_plain< T >
 Generator template to create an instance of a ant::IStreamType class for penguin::stream_meta_type_plain ("adtf/plaintype"). More...
class  stream_type_plain< T< ValueType, szArraySize > >
 Specialization for stream_type_plain<std::array<VAL_T, N>> More...
class  stream_type_plain< ValueType[szArraySize]>
 Specialization for stream_type_plain<ValueType[N]>> (i.e. More...


 Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
 Namespace for the ADTF Streaming SDK.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Streaming SDK provided since v3.0.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Streaming SDK provided since v3.11.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Streaming SDK provided since v3.15.


#define ADTF_DEFINE_STREAM_TYPE_PLAIN_FOR(_thetype_, _propval_)
 Macro to create a class for the plain StreamType instance. More...


 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type bool
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type int8_t
 defines a stream_type_plain for the ctype uint8_t
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type int16_t
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type uint16_t
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type int32_t
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type uint32_t
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type int64_t
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type uint64_t
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type float
 defines a stream_type_plain for the c-type double
template<typename T >
ucom::ant::object_ptr< ant::IStreamType > create_adtf_plain_stream_type ()
 Convenience functionality to create a stream type plain - see Stream Meta Type "adtf/plaintype". More...
template<typename T >
ucom::ant::object_ptr< ant::IStreamType > create_adtf_plain_stream_type ()
 Convenience functionality to create a stream type plain - see Stream Meta Type "adtf/plaintype". More...

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file streammetatypeplain.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ADTF_DEFINE_STREAM_TYPE_PLAIN_FOR (   _thetype_,
template <> \
class stream_type_plain<_thetype_> : public cStreamType \
{ \
public: \
static constexpr const char *const PlainTypeValue = _propval_; \
static constexpr const char* const PlainTypeName = #_thetype_; \
stream_type_plain() : cStreamType(stream_meta_type_plain()) \
{ \
adtf::ucom::object_ptr<adtf::base::ant::IProperties> pProperties; \
THROW_IF_FAILED(GetConfig(pProperties)); \
pProperties->SetProperty(adtf::base::property<adtf_util::cString>(stream_meta_type_plain::PlainTypeProperty, PlainTypeValue)); \
adtf_util::cString::Format(R"(<struct name=")" _propval_ R"(" alignment="1" version="1">)" \
R"(<element name="value" arraysize="1" type=")" #_thetype_ R"(">)" \
R"(<deserialized alignment="1"/>)" \
R"(<serialized bytepos="0" byteorder="%s"/>)" \
"</element>" \
"</struct>", \
pProperties->SetProperty(adtf::base::property<adtf_util::cString>("md_struct", _propval_));\
} \
defines the big endianess value, that will be retrieved by
Definition: constants.h:121
defines a link to __get_platform_byteorder.
Definition: constants.h:124

Macro to create a class for the plain StreamType instance.

_thetype_The type you define teh property for.
_propval_The property value set to the stream_meta_type_plain::PlainTypeProperty.

Definition at line 130 of file streammetatypeplain.h.