A common result class usable as return value throughout.
The IString interface provides methods for getting and setting strings through abstract interfaces.
Defines the Interface used to connect Items to each other.
Interface for a NamedGraphObject which can be added to the FilterGraph.
Interface defintion for a Streaming Graph.
State Levels for the Streaming Graph as a Top-Level Graph.
@ State_Initialized
Initialized state Every data connection is established.
@ State_Constructed
Constructed state.
@ State_Streaming
Streaming state Usually all source and sink streaming data.
ADTF_IID(IStreamingGraph, "streaming_graph.ant.streaming.adtf.iid")
definiton of interface id
virtual tStreamingState GetState()=0
Gets the state of the Streaming Graph.
virtual tResult SetState(tStreamingState eState)=0
Sets the state of the Streaming Graph.
Streaming In Ports classifies a system border for incoming connections.
ADTF_IID(IStreamingInPort, "streaming_in_port.ant.streaming.adtf.iid")
definiton of interface id
Streaming Out Ports classifies a system border for outgoing connections.
ADTF_IID(IStreamingOutPort, "streaming_out_port.ant.streaming.adtf.iid")
definiton of interface id
Streaming Ports are alias defintion for system borders.
ADTF_IID(IStreamingPort, "streaming_port.ant.streaming.adtf.iid")
definiton of interface id
virtual tResult GetPortID(adtf::base::ant::IString &&strPortID)=0
Retrieves the ID / Name of the Streaming Port within the Streaming Graph which named stream is expect...
Base class for every interface type within the uCOM.
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Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.