property_helper.h File Reference

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 Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
 Namespace for the ADTF Base SDK.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Base SDK provided since v3.18.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Base SDK provided since v3.0.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Base SDK provided since v3.7.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Base SDK provided since v3.2.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Base SDK provided since v3.4.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Base SDK provided since v3.11.
 Namespace for all internally used functionality implemented.


using tPropertyVisitorCallback = std::function< void(const ant::IProperty &oProperty)>


tResult visit_property (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPropertyName, const std::function< tResult(const IProperty &oProperty)> &fnCallback)
tResult visit_property_by_path (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPropertyPathAndName, const std::function< tResult(const IProperty &oProperty)> &fnCallback)
template<typename VALUETYPE >
tResult set_property (IProperties &oProperties, const char *strNameOfValue, VALUETYPE oValue)
 Sets a property of the value type VALUETYPE to a IProperties implementation. More...
tResult set_property (IProperties &oProperties, const char *strNameOfValue, const char *poValue)
 Sets a property of the value type const char* to a IProperties implementation. More...
template<typename T >
get_property (const IProperties &oProperties, const char *strNameOfValue, const T &oDefaultValue)
 Gets a property value of the value type VALUETYPE from a IProperties implementation. More...
template<typename VALUETYPE >
VALUETYPE get_property (const IProperties &oProperties, const char *strNameOfValue)
 Gets a property value of the value type VALUETYPE from a IProperties implementation. More...
tResult get_property_object_by_path (const IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPropertyPathAndName, ant::IProperty &oProperty)
 gets a property by path. More...
template<typename VALUETYPE >
tResult set_property_by_path (IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPathAndName, VALUETYPE oValue)
template<typename T >
get_property_by_path (const IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPathAndName, const T &oDefaultValue)
template<typename VALUETYPE >
VALUETYPE get_property_by_path (const IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPathAndName)
std::pair< std::string, std::string > split_parents_and_leaf (const char *strPropertyPathAndName)
 Splits a property path into the parent path and the property name. More...
tResult create_property_tree (ant::IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPath)
 Creates a property tree structure. More...
template<typename PropertyType >
void call_callback (const ant::IProperty &oProperty, const std::function< void(const char *, PropertyType)> &fnCallback)
void visit_properties (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, tPropertyVisitorCallback fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all properties of a properties object. More...
template<typename SubPropertyType >
void visit_properties (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, std::function< void(const char *, SubPropertyType)> fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all properties of a properties object. More...
void visit_sub_properties (const ant::IProperty &oProperty, tPropertyVisitorCallback fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all sub-properties of a given property. More...
template<typename SubPropertyType >
void visit_sub_properties (const ant::IProperty &oProperty, std::function< void(const char *, SubPropertyType)> fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all sub-properties of a given property. More...
void visit_sub_properties (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPropertyName, tPropertyVisitorCallback fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all sub-properties of a given property. More...
template<typename SubPropertyType >
void visit_sub_properties (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPropertyName, std::function< void(const char *, SubPropertyType)> fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all sub-properties of a given property. More...
void visit_properties (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, const tPropertyVisitorCallback &fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all properties of a properties object. More...
template<typename SubPropertyType >
void visit_properties (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, const std::function< void(const char *, SubPropertyType)> &fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all properties of a properties object. More...
void visit_sub_properties (const ant::IProperty &oProperty, const tPropertyVisitorCallback &fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all sub-properties of a given property. More...
template<typename SubPropertyType >
void visit_sub_properties (const ant::IProperty &oProperty, const std::function< void(const char *, SubPropertyType)> &fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all sub-properties of a given property. More...
void visit_sub_properties (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPropertyName, const tPropertyVisitorCallback &fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all sub-properties of a given property. More...
template<typename SubPropertyType >
void visit_sub_properties (const ant::IProperties &oProperties, const char *strPropertyName, const std::function< void(const char *, SubPropertyType)> &fnCallback)
 Utility function to visit all sub-properties of a given property. More...

Detailed Description

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All rights reserved

Definition in file property_helper.h.