plugin_c_interface.h File Reference

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 Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
 Namespace for the ADTF uCOM3 SDK.
 Namespace for all functionality provided since v3.0.


 name for the c - Plugin Entry to load a plugin
#define UCOM_LOAD_PLUGIN_SYMBOL   "UCOM_LoadPlugin3"
 name for the c - Plugin Entry to load a plugin
#define UCOM_UNLOAD_PLUGIN_SYMBOL   "UCOM_UnloadPlugin3"
 name for the c - Plugin Entry to unload a plugin


typedef UCOM_PLUGIN_IMPORT int32_t(UCOM_PLUGIN_CALLTYPE * fnUCOMGetVersion) (const char *strVersionID, uint32_t *pui32UCOMMajor, uint32_t *pui32UCOMMinor, uint32_t *pui32UCOMPatch)
 function for the c - Plugin Entry to load a plugin
typedef UCOM_PLUGIN_IMPORT int32_t(UCOM_PLUGIN_CALLTYPE * fnUCOMLoadPlugin) (void *pvRuntimeInstance, uint32_t ui32UCOMMajor, uint32_t ui32UCOMMinor, uint32_t ui32UCOMPatch, void **ppvPluginObject, tHandle hModule)
 function for the c - Plugin Entry to load a plugin
typedef UCOM_PLUGIN_IMPORT int32_t(UCOM_PLUGIN_CALLTYPE * fnUCOMUnloadPlugin) ()
 function for the c - Plugin Entry to unload a plugin


tResult get_plugin (iobject_ptr< IPlugin > &pPlugin)
 Returns a reference to the plugin instance of the current module. More...
UCOM_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_DECL_BEGIN UCOM_GetVersion3 (const char *strVersionID, uint32_t *pui32Major, uint32_t *pui32Minor, uint32_t *pui32Patch)
UCOM_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_DECL_END UCOM_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_DECL_BEGIN UCOM_LoadPlugin3 (void *pvRuntimeInstance, uint32_t ui32Major, uint32_t ui32Minor, uint32_t ui32Patch, void **ppvPlugin, tHandle hModule)

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file plugin_c_interface.h.