10 #include <adtf_ucom3.h>
123 virtual tResult Open(
const char* strFileNames,
bool bLoadReferencedFiles) = 0;
237 public std::map<adtf::util::cString, uint16_t>
242 insert({strStreamName, ui16StreamId});
279 const char* strDestinationDirectory) = 0;
407 bool bLoadReferencedFiles,
408 const char* strReaderId,
431 using quiet::IPlayer;
433 using ant::cPlayerStreams;
tInt64 tTimeStamp
type definition for a time value.
Return status ERR_NOERROR, which requires the calling function's return type to be tResult.
A common result class usable as return value throughout.
Defintion of a property set container interface.
The IString interface provides methods for getting and setting strings through abstract interfaces.
callback for stream information
virtual tResult HandleStream(uint16_t ui16StreamId, const char *strStreamName)=0
Called for every available stream.
ADTF Playback Service Control interface to control the ADTF Player.
ADTF_IID(IPlayer, "player.ant.services.adtf.iid")
Interface ID for the playback service interface.
virtual tResult Open(const char *strFileNames, bool bLoadReferencedFiles)=0
Opens one or more adtfdat files.
virtual tResult SeekToChunkIndex(uint64_t ui64ChunkIndex)=0
Control interface to seek to the given (Chunk) Index.
virtual tResult GetCurrentFileNames(base::ant::IString &&strFileNames) const =0
Information interface to get the time range of the current opened file.
virtual tResult ListStreams(IListStreamCallback &oCallback)=0
List all available streams.
virtual tResult Reset()=0
Control interface to Reset the streaming.
virtual tTimeStamp GetCurrentTime() const =0
Information interface to get the current time position of the current opened files.
@ Streaming
file is opened and streaming
@ Closed
no file is loaded
@ Paused
file is opened and playback has been paused
virtual tResult GetTimeRange(tTimeStamp &tmFirstItem, tTimeStamp &tmLastItem) const =0
Information interface to get the time range of the currently opened files.
virtual tResult SeekToTime(tTimeStamp tmTime)=0
Control interface to seek to the given (Chunk) Time.
virtual IPlayer::tState GetCurrentState() const =0
Information interface to get the current state of the Player.
virtual tResult Close()=0
Closes the current loaded files.
virtual tResult Pause()=0
Control interface to pause streaming.
virtual tResult SeekToStreamIndex(uint16_t ui16StreamId, uint64_t ui64StreamIndex)=0
Control interface to seek to the given (Stream) Index of the given stream.
virtual uint64_t GetChunkCount() const =0
Information interface to get the chunk count of the current opened files.
virtual tResult Play()=0
Control interface to start streaming.
Helper class that stores all streams from a player.
tResult HandleStream(uint16_t ui16StreamId, const char *strStreamName) override
Called for every available stream.
ADTF Playback Service Control interface to control the ADTF Player.
ADTF_IID(IPlayer, "player.bat.services.adtf.iid")
Interface ID for the playback service interface.
virtual tResult GetMarkers(adtf::base::ant::IString &&strMarkers) const =0
Get Markers.
virtual tResult ExtractAttachedFiles(const char *strAdtfDatFileNames, const char *strDestinationDirectory)=0
Extracts all attached files from the given ADTF DAT files.
ADTF Playback Service Control interface to control the ADTF Player.
virtual tLoopMode GetLoopMode() const =0
Retrieves the loop mode of the player.
virtual tResult SetPlaybackSpeed(float fPlaybackSpeed)=0
Sets the playback speed of the player.
virtual tResult Step(uint64_t nSteps, tStepDirection eDirection, tStepItems eItems, bool bWait)=0
Steps n items in given direction.
@ StreamTypes
only stream types samples are considered
@ Triggers
only triggers are considered
@ Samples
only samples are considered
@ Any
each stream item is considered
@ DontLoop
do not loop at all
@ ChangeRunlevel
loop via a runlevel change sequence
@ SeekToStart
loop via seek
virtual float GetPlaybackSpeed() const =0
Retrieves the current playback speed of the player.
virtual tResult SetLoopMode(const tLoopMode &eLoopMode)=0
Sets the loop mode of the player.
ADTF Playback Service Control interface to control the ADTF Player.
ADTF_IID(IPlayer, "player.quiet.services.adtf.iid")
Interface ID for the playback service interface.
virtual tResult Open(const char *strFilenames, bool bLoadReferencedFiles, const char *strReaderId, const adtf::base::ant::IProperties *pReaderProperties=nullptr)=0
Opens one or more given file with the given reader_id.
virtual bool IsSeekable() const =0
Indicates the players current capability of seeking.
Base class for every interface type within the uCOM.
virtual tResult GetObject(iobject_ptr< IObject > &pObject, const char *strNameOID) const =0
Get registered object from object registry.
Object pointer implementation used for reference counting on objects of type IObject.
tResult get_player(ucom::object_ptr< IPlayer > &pPlayer)
Gets the current registered player instance.
tResult get_player(ucom::object_ptr< IPlayer > &pPlayer)
Gets the current registered player instance.
tResult get_player(adtf::ucom::object_ptr< IPlayer > &pPlayer)
Gets the current registered player instance.
tResult get_player(adtf::ucom::object_ptr< IPlayer > &pPlayer)
Gets the current registered player instance.
Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
adtf::ucom::IRuntime * _runtime
Global Runtime Pointer to reference to the current runtime.
Layout of the events emitted by the playback service.
@ StartedPlaybackOfFile
The playback of a file has started The pEventData member points to a 0-terminated string that contain...
@ MarkerReached
A marker has been reached pEventData points to a string containing an XML representation of the marke...
@ EndOfStreams
The end of all streams has been reached.
size_t nEventDataSize
size of the event specific data.
const void * pEventData
pointer to the event specific data.
uint32_t nEventId
the event id.