Stream Types as descriptions for sample content
The Stream Type is to describe the data content of the Sample. It is part of the Data Pipe sent from one Filter to another Filter. The Stream Type describes the data content by
- a unique name (the Stream Meta Type name)
- a concrete set of key/value pairs, so called "Properties" or "Config".
- Example
- One possible instance is a description for a video stream with a unique type name
A video stream may be described via following properties:
- 800 ... The width of one frame of the video stream as a tInt32
- integer value of 800.
- 600 ... The height of one frame of the video stream as a tInt32
- integer value of 600.
- "A(8)R(8)G(8)B(8)" ... The format name of the of the video stream as a string value of "A(8)R(8)G(8)B(8)" describing the pixelformat.
To instantiate such a Stream Type we may use the class cStreamType or the template stream_type.
- Example Usage
void create_streamtype_video()
object_ptr<IStreamType> pStreamType = make_object_ptr<stream_type_image<>>();
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
tResult set_property(IConfiguration &oConfiguration, const char *strNameOfValue, VALUETYPE oValue)
Set the property.
Namespace for the ADTF Streaming SDK.
Namespace for the ADTF uCOM3 SDK.
Stream Meta Type
The possible Stream Types will be defined by known Stream Meta Types, which defines the possible unique name and the set of possible properties corresponding to that name. As shown in the example above, an instance of a Stream Type can only be created with such a Stream Meta Type definiton. The Stream Meta Type must implement the IStreamMetaType interface. This interface will provide following information:
For more information on IsCompatible functionality see also the Chapter: AcceptType and IsCompatible implementations.
Custom Stream Meta Types
The Stream Type implementation class stream_type will use the generator class stream_meta_type, which defines the unique name of the Stream Meta Type by a variable MetaTypeName
. Additionally, a set of existing properties and there default values are set within the static function SetProperties
Use following implementation for own Stream Meta Type definitions:
struct my_custom_stream_meta_type
static constexpr
const tChar *
const MetaTypeName =
static constexpr
const tChar *
const SecretContentID =
static constexpr
const tChar *
const Version =
char tChar
The tChar defines the type for platform character set (platform and compiler dependent type).
Base object pointer to realize binary compatible reference counting in interface methods.
If you want to use the custom Stream Type use following code:
void usage_of_own_type()
object_ptr<IStreamType> pStreamType = make_object_ptr<stream_type<my_custom_stream_meta_type>>();
set_property(*pStreamType, my_custom_stream_meta_type::SecretContentID, 12);
Another example can be found at following page: Demo Custom Stream Type Filters Plugin.
AcceptType and IsCompatible implementations
One important part of the Data Pipe between Filters are Stream Type updates. Before a Sample was received at least one Stream Type will be received that describes the sample content. Usually, the implementation can handle only incoming data with one clear defined Stream Type. This clear defined type is usually set while setting up the readers for a corresponding pin:
object_ptr<IStreamType> pStreamType = make_object_ptr<stream_type_plain<uint32_t>>();
Return if expression is failed, which requires the calling function's return type to be tResult.
tResult create_pin(DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE &oDataBindingImpl, cSampleWriter &oWriter, const char *strNameOfWriterAndPin, const ucom::iobject_ptr< const IStreamType > &pStreamType, ucom::iobject_ptr< IOutPin > &pPinCreated)
Creates a cOutPin and registers it at the given oDataBindingImpl instance.
While receiving a Stream Type the default implementation of the cSampleReader will call internally an AcceptType function to accept or reject the incoming type. This implementation uses either the given user callback function (flash::cSampleReader::SetAcceptTypeCallback) or the implementation of the ant::IStreamMetaType::IsCompatible function of the current valid type. To do so, the Stream Meta Type implementation of the current valid type is retrieved and its IsCompatible function is used.
- Note
- These IsCompatible implementations will not automatically check the unique Stream Meta Type name for equality!
Sometimes it will have a look at the values of the properties only. For a complete overview of all delivered Stream Meta Types, their properties and the IsCompatible implementation see next chapter: Default Stream Meta Types in ADTF.
operator== and is_compatible
- operator== and operator!=
- The operator== will only check the Stream Meta Type names of the given Stream Type (IStreamType) and compares them.
- is_compatible
- The global function is_compatible will follow the IsCompatible implementation of the right-hand side Stream Type
and its corresponding the Stream Meta Type. Mind, the Stream Meta Type of oExpectedType
defines the IsCompatible comparison method. For example:
auto pPlainType = make_object_ptr<stream_type_plain<int32_t>>();
struct INT32
int32_t m_nValue;
auto oDescriptionForINT32 = structure<INT32>("INT32");
oDescriptionForINT32.Add("m_nValue", &INT32::m_nValue);
auto pDDLType = make_object_ptr<stream_type_default<>>(oDescriptionForINT32);
auto pImageType = make_object_ptr<stream_type_image<>>(oFormat);
A common result class usable as return value throughout.
defines a link to __get_platform_byteorder.
tResult is_compatible(const ant::IStreamType &oCheckedType, const ant::IStreamType &oExpectedType)
Checks whether oCheckedType is compatible with oExpectedType.
Default Stream Meta Types in ADTF
This section will give an overview of all default ADTF Stream Meta Types and there properties.
Stream Meta Type "adtf/anonymous"
- Namespace
- Defined in namespace adtf::streaming.
- Stream Meta Type concept class
- stream_meta_type_anonymous
- Description
- Use this Stream Meta Type only if no property should be set and you do not share and record these data.
- Generator class
- flash::stream_type by calling:
- Properties
- No properties.
- IsCompatible
- This implementation of IsCompatible will always return
and accept all other Stream Meta Type names.
Fully documentation: ant::stream_meta_type_anonymous::IsCompatible
Stream Meta Type "adtf/plaintype"
- Namespace
- Defined in namespace adtf::streaming
- Stream Meta Type concept class
- stream_meta_type_plain
- Description
- Use this Stream Meta Type if your sample data will be any of this type: bool, uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t, float, double or plain array T[], std::array, std::vector of them.
- Generator class
- stream_type_plain
- Properties
PlainTypeProperty | ... "c-type" : Valid values for this "c-type" property are:
BOOL -> bool
-> please use stream_type_plain<bool> to create the type
UINT8 -> uint8_t
-> please use stream_type_plain<uint8_t> to create the type
INT8 -> int8_t
-> please use stream_type_plain<int8_t> to create the type
UINT16 -> uint16_t
-> please use stream_type_plain<uint16_t> to create the type
INT16 -> int16_t
-> please use stream_type_plain<int16_t> to create the type
UINT32 -> uint32_t
-> please use stream_type_plain<uint32_t> to create the type
INT32 -> int32_t
-> please use stream_type_plain<int32_t> to create the type
UINT64 -> uint64_t
-> please use stream_type_plain<uint64_t> to create the type
INT64 -> int64_t
-> please use stream_type_plain<int64_t> to create the type
FLOAT32 -> float
-> please use stream_type_plain<float> to create the type
FLOAT64 -> double
-> please use stream_type_plain<double> to create the type
BOOL_ARRAY -> std::array<bool, SIZE_N> or std::vector<bool>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<bool, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<bool>> to create the type
UINT8_ARRAY -> std::array<uint8_t, SIZE_N> or std::vector<uint8_t>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<uint8_t, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<uint8_t>> to create the type
INT8_ARRAY -> std::array<int8_t, SIZE_N> or std::vector<int8_t>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<int8_t, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<int8_t>> to create the type
UINT16_ARRAY -> std::array<uint16_t, SIZE_N> or std::vector<uint16_t>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<uint16_t, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<uint16_t>> to create the type
INT16_ARRAY -> std::array<int16_t, SIZE_N> or std::vector<int16_t>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<int16_t, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<int16_t>> to create the type
UINT32_ARRAY -> std::array<uint32_t, SIZE_N> or std::vector<uint32_t>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<uint32_t, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<uint32_t>> to create the type
INT32_ARRAY -> std::array<int32_t, SIZE_N> or std::vector<int32_t>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<int32_t, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<int32_t>> to create the type
UINT64_ARRAY -> std::array<uint64_t, SIZE_N> or std::vector<uint64_t>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<uint64_t, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<uint64_t>> to create the type
INT64_ARRAY -> std::array<int64_t, SIZE_N> or std::vector<int64_t>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<int64_t, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<int64_t>> to create the type
FLOAT32_ARRAY -> std::array<float, SIZE_N> or std::vector<float>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<float, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<float>> to create the type
FLOAT64_ARRAY -> std::array<double, SIZE_N> or std::vector<double>
-> please use stream_type_plain<std::array<double, SIZE_N>> or stream_type_plain<std::vector<double>> to create the type
DataEndianess | ... "data_endianess" : This is relevant for all value types greater than 1 byte.
The endianess of the content is relevant for all value types greater than 1 byte and is only set if current platform endianess is different to PLATFORM_LITTLE_ENDIAN_8.
ArraySize | ... "array_size" : Array size for the used type is only relevant for array types:
- for single arithmetic type (bool, all ints, float, double) the value is
- for dynamic arrays (i.e. std::vector<bool>, all ints, float, double) the value is
0 (content is dynamic)
- for static arrays (i.e std::array<bool, N>, all ints, float, double) the value is
N (content is fixed array size)
[optional] set strMDStructProperty | ... "md_struct" : The "md_struct" property will be set to a valid struct type that describes the "c-type" (see also Stream Meta Type "adtf/default")
[optional] set strMDDefinitionsProperty | ... "md_definitions" : The "md_md_definitions" property will contain a valid struct description that describes the "c-type" (see also Stream Meta Type "adtf/default") |
- IsCompatible
- Compatible to all other Stream Types of any Stream Meta Type, where the following conditions are met:
- the property value of the properties PlainTypeProperty are equal in both types.
- the property value of the properties ArraySize are equal or the expected
is 0
- the property value of the properties DataEndianess are equal in both types if value type is greater than 1 byte
Fully documentation: penguin::stream_meta_type_plain::IsCompatible
Stream Meta Type "adtf/default"
- Namespace
- Defined in namespace adtf::mediadescription
- Stream Meta Type concept class
- adtf::mediadescription::stream_meta_type_default
- Description
- Use this Stream Meta Type if your sample data are structured and the memory layout can be described via DDL Specification - see also Usage of Stream Meta Type "adtf/default".
- Generator class
- stream_type_default
- Properties
- IsCompatible
- Compatible to all other Stream Types of any Stream Meta Type, where the following conditions are met:
Fully documentation: adtf::mediadescription::ant::stream_meta_type_default::IsCompatible
Stream Meta Type "adtf/image"
- Namespace
- Defined in namespace adtf::streaming
- Stream Meta Type concept class
- stream_meta_type_image
- Description
- Use this Stream Meta Type for describing a video stream with single frames and there format and set the values with set_stream_type_image_format.
- Generator class
- stream_type_image
- Properties
- IsCompatible
- Uses the default implementation of IsCompatible and will return ERR_NOERROR only if:
- GetMetaTypeName of
is equal to GetMetaTypeName of oTypeExpected
- GetVersion of
is equal to GetVersion of oTypeExpected
Fully documentation: ant::cStreamMetaType::IsCompatible
Stream Meta Type "adtf/audio"
- Namespace
- Defined in namespace adtf::streaming
- Stream Meta Type concept class
- stream_meta_type_audio
- Description
- Use this Stream Meta Type for describing a audio stream with samples and sample rate.
- Generator class
- stream_type_audio
- Properties
FormatName | ... "format_name" : Name for the Property of the format name. |
ChannelCount | ... "channel_count" : Name for the Property for the amount of channels.
SampleRateHz | ... "sample_rate_hz" : Name for the Property for the sample rate in hz.
BitsPerSample | ... "bits_per_sample" : Name for the Property for number of bits per sample.
SampleCount | ... "sample_count" : Name for the Property for number of samples |
- IsCompatible
- Uses the default implementation of IsCompatible and will return ERR_NOERROR only if:
- GetMetaTypeName of
is equal to GetMetaTypeName of oTypeExpected
- GetVersion of
is equal to GetVersion of oTypeExpected
Fully documentation: ant::cStreamMetaType::IsCompatible
Stream Meta Type "adtf/substreams"
- Namespace
- Defined in namespace adtf::streaming
- Stream Meta Type concept class
- stream_meta_type_substreams
- Description
- Use cSubStreamTypes to create a Stream Type instance for this Stream Meta Type - see also Substreams.
- Creator class
- cSubStreamTypes
- Properties
SubStreams | ... "substreams" : This Property determine if substreams are supported or not (true or false). Subproperties will identify the concreate Substream Type.
SubStreamsRequestProperties | ... "substreams_request_properties" : This Property determine if substreams are requestable and currently requested.
- IsCompatible
- This implementation of IsCompatible will accept all other Stream Meta Types and will return ERR_NOERROR only if:
- Property SubStreams are equal
- the all existing SubstreamName in
also exists in oTypeToCheck
(Currently the Stream Meta Type of the substream ist not checked)
Fully documentation: hollow::stream_meta_type_substreams::IsCompatible
Stream Meta Type "adtf/string"
- Namespace
- Defined in namespace adtf::mediadescription
- Stream Meta Type concept class
- adtf::mediadescription::stream_meta_type_string
- Description
- Generator class
- stream_type_string
- Properties
DataEndianess | ... "data_endianess" : Valid values are PLATFORM_LITTLE_ENDIAN_8 and PLATFORM_BIG_ENDIAN_8
Encoding | ... "encoding" : Valid values for this "encoding" property are:
- unspecified - for unspecified encodings, where i.e the receiver will determine the encoding while stream type change
- c-char - for plain char (8Bit) used in c++ programs, where no special encoding information is used
- utf8 - utf8 (8Bit)
- w-char - for plain wchar (16Bit !) used in c++ programs, where no special encoding information is used
- utf16 - utf16 (16Bit)
- IsCompatible
- Compatible to all other Stream Types of any Stream Meta Type, where the following conditions are met:
- the property value of the property Encoding are equal in both types.
- the property value of the property Encoding is EncodingValueUnspecified at expected side
- the property value of the property DataEndianess is equal in both types if the Encoding identifies a character size greater than 1 byte
Fully documentation: adtf::mediadescription::penguin::stream_meta_type_string::IsCompatible