Signal Registry Service Plugin

Signal Registry Service


The Signal Registry Service provides a distributed publisher-subscriber model for floating-point signals.

Plugin Information
Plugin Filenameadtf_signal_registry.adtfplugin
Plugin Descriptionadtf_signal_registry.plugindescription
Plugin NameSignal Registry Service Plugin
Plugin Versions
Plugin Version3.99.99
Plugin File Version1.0
Component Information
NameSignal Registry Service
DescriptionUse this System Service to extend the ADTF System with a distributed publisher-subscriber model for floating-point signals.
Default Runlevelsession
Provided Interfaces

Signal Registry Service Concept

Signal providers (publisher) update their signals through the adtf::services::ant::ISignalRegistry::ISignalProvider interface. Signal listeners (subscriber) implement the interfaces adtf::services::ant::ISignalListening::ISignalsListener and adtf::services::ant::ISignalListening::ISignalListener. Both, publishers and the subscribers register themselves with the Signal Registry Service.

A signal has the attributes described by adtf::services::ant::ISignalRegistry::tSignalAttributes and is associated with a current value (as a tFloat64). The name of the signal has to be unique, otherwise and error occurs at registration.

The example Demo Signal Generator Plugin shows how a signal can be provided via the signal registry (publisher).
The example Demo Signal Listener Plugin shows how provided signals can be listened on (subscriber).

The Signal Registry is a useful service to improve access to signal values. However used incorrectly, it can eventually cause significant performance degradation. To prevent unexpected behaviors, keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • Signal providers and signal listeners must not directly affect the user interface.
  • Limit the number of signal providers and signal listeners.
  • Limit the number of subscribed signals per signal listener.
Please be aware that you must not use the Signal Registry to transmit data. You cannot rely on an accurately timed notification about incoming new values.

Listening on Signals

To listen on signals these steps are necessary:

When you are informed about a new or removed signal the ID of the relevant signal is passed as an argument. You have to use that ID when registering for signal updates.

Providing Signals

To provide one or more signals via the signal registry one has to follow these steps:

  • Retrieve the interface adtf::services::ant::ISignalRegistry of the signal registry service (e.g. using UCOM).
  • Create a new provider instance using the method CreateProvider of signal registry.
  • Add a signal to the just created provider using the method AddSignal of signal registry.
  • Depending whether you want to be informed about changes in the subscription state (see next paragraph), you provide the optional argument pEnableCallbackpEnableCallback or not.
  • Update this signal whenever you can provide a new value using method UpdateSignal of signal registry.

In Addition you can be informed whenever a signal listener subscribes or unsubscribes to one of your signals. To do so follow these steps: