Example Build Dependencies

We deliver our Programming Examples also as binaries (see <ADTF_DIR>/src/examples/bin/) to be ready for your use without any developer environment on your system.

Of course you are free to recompile or adapt them to your needs. Please keep in mind that some of our examples require external libraries or SDKs. This is an overview which dependencies and versions are used within ADTF 3.99.99.

Maybe it is working with other versions as well. But we recommend and support these tested dependencies !
There are CMake Macros to enable/disable specific examples which require these dependencies (see the following table)
Dependency Version Sources Binaries CMake Macro Notes
ADTF File Library 0.16.1 Gitlab repository <ADTF_DIR>/pkg/adtf_file/ Integrated as ADTF SDK package (use find_package(ADTF COMPONENTS adtf_file) within CMake). Requires dev_essential as well.
Advanced Docking System for Qt 4.2.1 Github repository <ADTF_DIR>/3rdparty/qt_advanced_docking_system ADTF_ENABLE_QT used by Qt5 ADTF XSystem UI Service
Asio C++ Library 1.28.0 Github repository <ADTF_DIR>/3rdparty/asio
dev_essential 1.5.0 Gitlab repository <ADTF_DIR>/pkg/dev_essential/ Integrated as ADTF SDK package (use find_package(ADTF COMPONENTS dev_essential) within CMake). Required for ADTF File Library examples.
Qt 5.15.2 Qt Website Installer or Package ADTF_ENABLE_QT see also Qt
SDL SDL Website Installer or Package ADTF_ENABLE_SDL SDL 2.x is not compatible for the implementation in our examples