Filters and Basic Components

We deliver several plugins with default components and utilities, for an overview please have a look at:


Basic Filters
DDL Mapping Filter

bin/adtf_ddl_mapping_filter.adtfplugin (see DDL Mapping Filter Plugin)
DDL Mapping Filter to map, to convert and to transform data content.

Sample Stream Merger

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Sample Stream Merger merges multiple sample streams of the same type onto one output.

Sample Time Gate

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Sample Time Gate holds back samples / stream type changes until they are not in the future regarding the stream time anymore.

Sample Stream Trace Statistics

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
Sample Stream Trace Statistics to show information about data rates and more.

Signal Provider

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Signal Provider provides data/signals from sample streams / substreams via the Signal Registry Service.

UI Filters
Qt5 Media Description Display

src/examples/bin/demo_qt_media_description_display.adtfplugin (see Qt5 Media Description Display Plugin)
The Qt5 Media Description Display visualizes the DDL content of each connected sample stream / substreams.

Qt5 Stream Display

bin/adtf_stream_display.adtfplugin (see Qt5 Stream Display Plugin)
The Qt5 Stream Display provides options to visualize any connected data source on demand, manage substream requests and more.

Substream Selector For Qt5 Stream Display

bin/adtf_stream_display.adtfplugin (see Qt5 Stream Display Plugin)
The Substream Selector For Qt5 Stream Display provides options to select a substream given by the Qt5 Stream Display.

Substream Filters
Substream Assembler

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Substream Assembler takes samples from multiple inputs and forwards them via substreams on one output, see Substreams.

Substream Dissector

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
This filter dissects the input samples into seperate substreams that provide the data of the individual elements. See Substreams.

Substream Merger

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Substream Merger takes substreams from multiple inputs and forwards them via substreams on one output, see Substreams.

Substream Reducer

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
This filter outputs a subset of the substreams from the input Sample Stream. See Substreams.

Substream Requestor

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Substream Requestor request ALL substreams provided on the connected sample stream.

Scripting Filters
Qt5 JavaScript Filter

bin/adtf_javascript_filter.adtfplugin (see Qt5 Scripting Filter Plugins)
JavaScript scripting filter for rapid prototyping

Qt5 QML Filter

bin/adtf_qtquick_filter.adtfplugin (see Qt5 Scripting Filter Plugins)
QML scripting filter for rapid prototyping and visualization.

Threading Filters
Thread Dispatcher

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
This filter dispatches/distributes processing of sets of input samples/triggers to multiple threads. All samples corresponding to a trigger will be forwarded to exactly one thread only.

Thread Invoker

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
This filter forwards/processes triggers asynchronously. When a data in trigger is recieved on its input, the processing thread is woken and starts forwarding samples and the trigger.

Thread Mapper

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
This filter maps processing of an input onto multiple threads. The Data In Trigger is delayed until all threads have processed the trigger.

Thread Reducer

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
This filter triggers when all inputs have triggered at least once. The trigger is then sent and processed by the connected active runner.

Sample Streams

Sample Stream

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
This Sample Stream provides a usable implementation of the cSampleStream.

Substream Selector

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Substream Selector is a Sample Stream implementation that will filter Stream Types and Samples of a specific substream, see Substreams.

Binding Proxies

Binding Proxy

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Default Binding Proxy provides the opportunity to connect an IBindingServer with an IBindingClient.

Active Runners

FEP Job Runner

bin/fep_objects.adtfplugin (see FEP Objects Plugin)
The FEP Job Runner is a NamedGraphObject (see cActiveRunner) for Filter Graph to pass a FEP job execution into the filter graph.

RPC Runner

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The RPC Runner is a NamedGraphObject (see cActiveRunner) for Filter Graph which sends a trigger by receiving a RPC call. It uses the IRPCObjectServer interface to create a rpc server.

Timer Runner

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Timer Runner is a self-running NamedGraphObject (see IActiveRunner) for Filter Graph which sends a trigger by a specified timer cycle. It uses the IKernel interface to create a timer.

Thread Runner

bin/default_core_objects.adtfplugin (see Default Core Objects Plugin)
The Thread Runner is a self-running NamedGraphObject (see IActiveRunner) or Filter Graph which sends a trigger (once or repeated) within a thread. It uses the IKernel interface to create a thread.