Tools and Applications

Table of Contents


The ADTF delivery provides a rich toolset of Command Line Tools and \refe sec_tools_gui, for an overview please have a look at

Command Line Tools

ADTF Config Tool

The ADTF Config Tool is a console application to manipulate ADTF Graph and Properties files.

ADTF Control

The ADTF Control is a console application to control one ADTF System Instance. Usually this instance was created by the ADTF Launcher.

ADTF Launcher

The ADTF Launcher is able to load an Session with the help of the Session Manager.

ADTF Plugin Description Generator

The ADTF Plugin Description Generator extracts meta information from an .adtfplugin into an .plugindescription file (see ADTF Plugin Description XML Schema file).


The ADTF DAT Tool is part of the ADTF File Library and provides support to read, write and process/export data from .adtfdat and dumps information about file and content. (Note: the support for further file formats different from .adtfdat can be extended by additional adtffileplugins)

GUI Tools

ADTF Configuration Editor

The ADTF Configuration Editor is to configure and define a complete Session.

(Deprecated) ADTF GUI Control

The (Deprecated) ADTF GUI Control is a GUI application to launch and/or control one or more ADTF System Instance.

ADTF Log View Tool

The ADTF Log View displays log messages from ADTF Systems.

ADTF Property Editor Tool

The ADTF Property Editor Tool is a GUI application to manipulate properties at runtime.

ADTF Status Monitor

The ADTF Status Monitor displays resource and kernel information from ADTF Systems.

DDL Editor

UI to create DDL Description Files as part of DDL Editor Package. Have a look at DDL and ADTF 3 for more information on DDL (Data Definition Language).
Remark: On windows platform you have to start with bin/ddl_editor.bat, on Linux with bin/

DDL Mapping Editor

UI to create DDL Mapping Files as part of DDL Editor Package. Have a look at DDL and ADTF 3 for more information on DDL (Data Definition Language).
Remark: On windows platform you have to start with bin/mapping_editor.bat, on Linux with bin/

Profiler GUI

UI Tooling to analyze and use the ADTF build-in profiling support.
Remark: On windows platform you have to start with bin/profiler_gui.bat