adtf_ddl Namespace Reference

Namespace for the mainpage_pkg_ddl. More...


 Namespace for access_element functions.
 Namespace for serialization function.


class  cDecoder
 Decoder for dynamic structures defined by a DDL definition. More...
class  cCodec
 Codec for dynamic structures defined by a DDL definition. More...
class  cCodecFactory
 Factory class for ddl codecs. More...
class  cStaticDecoder
 Decoder for static structures defined by a DDL definition. More...
class  cStaticCodec
 Codec for static structures defined by a DDL definition. More...
struct  tStructElement
 Information about an element accessible with a decoder or codec. More...
class  cDDL
 The abstract helper class for representation classes for DDL descriptions. More...
struct  cDDLCompareFunctor
 functional pattern to use std find algorithms More...
class  cDDLError
 Static DDL Error Handling class. More...
class  IDDL
 Interface class for object representation of DDL descriptions. More...
class  cDDLAlignment
 Abstract wrapper class for the alignment enumeration. More...
class  cDDLBaseunit
 Representation of a base unit inside a DDL description. More...
class  cDDLByteorder
 Abstract wrapper class for the byteorder enumeration. More...
class  cDDLCloner
 Implementation of IDDLFactorMethod for cloning of DDL representations. More...
class  cDDLCompare
 Utility class to compare media descriptions. More...
class  cDDLComplex
 Representation for a complex datatype inside a DDL specification. More...
class  cDDLContainerNoClone
 Utility class that stores DDL entities. More...
class  cDDLContainer
 Utility class to store DDL elements that can be cloned. More...
class  cDDLDataType
 Representation for a (simple) data type inside a DDL description. More...
class  IDDLDataType
 Common interface for DDL datatypes. More...
class  cDDLDescription
 Main class representing a whole DDL description. More...
class  cDDLAutoVec
 This class template provides a auto deletion for DDL vector content like tDDLEnumVec, tDDLUnitVec etc. More...
class  cDDLElement
 Representation of an element inside a struct in DDL a description. More...
class  cDDLEnum
 Representation for an enum inside a DDL description. More...
class  cDDLExtDeclaration
 Representation of an external declaration inside the header of a DDL description. More...
class  IDDLFactoryMethod
 Abstract base class/interface for Factory Method design-pattern. More...
class  cDDLHeader
 Representation of the header of a DDL description. More...
class  cDDLImporter
 Concrete Factory Method for building up a DDL from a XML file. More...
class  cDDLInspector
 Validation and correction class for ADTF DDL for use with the. More...
class  cDDLPrefix
 Representation of a prefix in a DDL description. More...
class  cDDLPrinter
 Concrete Visitor to collect the data of a DDL in object-representation and convert it back to XML (string or file). More...
class  cDDLProperty
 Representation of a stream inside a DDL description. More...
class  cDDLRefUnit
 Decorator class for IDDLUnit objects to be used inside other cDDLUnit objects. More...
class  cDDLRepair
 Implementation of IDDLVisitor that will repair and update references after deleting. More...
class  cDDLResolver
 Implementation of IDDLVisitor for resolving of a specified unit, datatype, struct, or stream out of an existing DDL hierarchy. More...
class  cDDLStream
 Representation of a stream inside a DDL description. More...
class  cDDLStreamMetaType
 Representation of a stream inside a DDL description. More...
class  cDDLStreamStruct
 Decorator class for cDDLComplex to be used inside cDDLStream objects. More...
class  cDDLUnit
 Representation object of a unit. More...
class  IDDLUnit
 Interface for unit classes of the object representation for DDL descriptions. More...
class  cDDLVersionHelper
class  IDDLVisitor
 Abstract base class/interface for Visitor design-pattern. More...


using tDataRepresentation = ddl::DataRepresentation
 Enumeration for the data representation.
typedef std::map< A_UTILS_NS::cString, A_UTILS_NS::cVarianttEnum
 Typedef for enumerations name -> value.
typedef A_UTILS_NS::cDOMElementRefList::iterator tDOMElemIt
 Iterator type for cDOMElementRefList.
typedef std::vector< cDDLElement * > tDDLElementVec
 Container type of cDDLElement objects.
typedef tDDLElementVec::iterator tDDLElementIt
 Iterator type for tDDLElementVec.
typedef tDDLElementVec::const_iterator tDDLElementItConst
 Constant-iterator type for tDDLElementVec.
typedef cDDLContainerNoClone< IDDLtDDLVec
 Container type of basic DDL objects.
typedef cDDLContainer< cDDLUnittDDLUnitVec
 Container type of cDDLUnit objects.
typedef cDDLContainer< cDDLBaseunittDDLBaseunitVec
 Container type of cDDLBaseunit objects.
typedef cDDLContainer< cDDLPrefixtDDLPrefixVec
 Container type of cDDLPrefix objects.
typedef cDDLContainer< cDDLDataTypetDDLDTVec
 Container type of cDDLDataType objects.
typedef cDDLContainer< cDDLEnumtDDLEnumVec
 Container type of cDDLEnum objects.
typedef cDDLContainer< cDDLComplextDDLComplexVec
 Container type of cDDLComplex objects.
typedef cDDLContainer< cDDLStreamtDDLStreamVec
 Container type of cDDLStream objects.
typedef cDDLContainer< cDDLStreamMetaTypetDDLStreamMetaTypeVec
 Container type of cDDLStreamMetaType objects.
typedef tDDLUnitVec::iterator tDDLUnitIt
 Iterator type for tDDLUnitVec.
typedef tDDLBaseunitVec::iterator tDDLBaseunitIt
 Iterator type for tDDLBaseunitVec.
typedef tDDLPrefixVec::iterator tDDLPrefixIt
 Iterator type for tDDLPrefixVec.
typedef tDDLDTVec::iterator tDDLDTIt
 Iterator type for tDDLDTVec.
typedef tDDLEnumVec::iterator tDDLEnumIt
 Iterator type for tDDLConstVec.
typedef tDDLComplexVec::iterator tDDLComplexIt
 Iterator type for tDDLComplexVec.
typedef tDDLStreamVec::iterator tDDLStreamIt
 Iterator type for tDDLStreamVec.
typedef std::map< A_UTILS_NS::cString, cDDLStream * > tDDLStreamMap
 Associative container type for cDDLStream objects.
typedef tDDLStreamMap::iterator tDDLStreamMapIt
 Iterator type for tDDLStreamMap.
typedef std::vector< std::pair< A_UTILS_NS::cString, A_UTILS_NS::cString > > tEnumNameValueVec
 Container type of DDL enum elements.
typedef std::vector< cDDLExtDeclaration * > tDDLExtDeclarationVec
 Container type of cDDLExtDeclaration objects.
typedef tDDLExtDeclarationVec::iterator tDDLExtDeclarationIt
 Iterator type for tDDLExtDeclarationVec.
typedef std::list< tImporterMsgtImporterMsgList
 Container for error descriptions.
typedef std::vector< cDDLStreamStruct * > tDDLStreamStructVec
 Container type of cDDLStreamStruct objects.
typedef tDDLStreamStructVec::iterator tDDLStreamStructIt
 Iterator type for tDDLStreamStructVec.
typedef std::vector< cDDLProperty * > tDDLPropertyVec
typedef std::vector< cDDLRefUnit * > tDDLRefUnitVec
 Container type of cDDLRefUnit objects.
typedef tDDLRefUnitVec::iterator tDDLRefUnitIt
 Iterator type for tDDLRefUnitVec.


enum  tImporterMsgSeverity { eImporterInfo , eImporterWarning , eImporterError }
 enumeration type for message severity
enum  tDDLVersion {
 DDL Versions. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for the mainpage_pkg_ddl.

Within this namespace all interfaces, classes and functions always refer to their last revised implementation. When using types defined within this namespace it is guaranteed to always use the latest version of the types.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ tDDLVersion

DDL Versions.


Version 1.0.0.


Version 1.0.1.


Version 1.0.2.


Version 2.0.0.


Version 3.0.0.


Version 4.0.0.


Latest version (Version 4.0.0)

Definition at line 18 of file ddlversionhelper.h.