adtf::filter::flash Namespace Reference

Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Filter SDK provided since v3.5. More...


class  cFilter
 Base class for ADTF filters. More...
class  interface_client
 Helper class that wraps a streaming::ant::IBindingClient. More...
class  cGraphObject
 Base class for adtf::filter::flash::cFilter, adtf::filter::flash::cSampleStreamingSource and adtf::filter::flash::cSampleStreamingSink. More...
class  cSampleStreamingSink
 Base class for ADTF sample streaming sinks. More...
class  cSampleStreamingSource
 Base class for ADTF sample streaming sources. More...
class  filter_with_trigger_function
class  cStreamTypeHelper
 Helper class that wraps different objects into an adtf::streaming::ant::IStreamType. More...
class  cTriggerFunction


using cDynamicFilter = cFilter
using cPinWriter = adtf::streaming::flash::cSampleWriter
 use cSampleWriter as cPinWriter
template<typename DATA_TYPE >
using pin_writer = adtf::streaming::flash::sample_writer< DATA_TYPE >
 Specialized Sample Writer to write DATA of type DATA_TYPE. More...
using cPinReader = adtf::streaming::flash::cDynamicSampleReader
 use cSampleReader as cPinReader
template<tTimeStamp TIME_RANGE, bool STORELASTSAMPLE = true>
using time_limited_pin_reader = adtf::streaming::flash::time_limited_sample_reader< TIME_RANGE, STORELASTSAMPLE >
 The time_limited_sample_reader will create a sample reader which will create a internal sample queue that is time limited by the given TimeRange. More...
template<size_t MAX_SIZE, bool STORELASTSAMPLE = true>
using size_limited_pin_reader = adtf::streaming::flash::size_limited_sample_reader< MAX_SIZE, STORELASTSAMPLE >
 The size_limited_sample_reader will create a sample reader which will create a internal sample queue that is sample count item limited by the given TimeRange. More...


template<typename DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE >
tResult filter_create_pin (DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE &oFilter, adtf::streaming::flash::ISampleReader &oReader)
template<typename DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE >
tResult filter_create_pin (DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE &oFilter, adtf::streaming::flash::ISampleWriter &oWriter)
template<typename DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE >
tResult filter_create_pin (DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE &oFilter, adtf::streaming::flash::ISampleReader &oReader, const char *strName, const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const adtf::streaming::ant::IStreamType > &pType)
template<typename DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE >
tResult filter_create_pin (DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE &oFilter, adtf::streaming::flash::ISampleWriter &oWriter, const char *strName, const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const streaming::ant::IStreamType > &pType)
template<typename DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE , typename READERWRITERTYPE , typename PINTYPE >
tResult filter_create_pin (DATA_BINDING_IMPL_TYPE &oFilter, READERWRITERTYPE &oReaderORWriter, ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< PINTYPE > &pPin)

Detailed Description

Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Filter SDK provided since v3.5.

Typedef Documentation

◆ pin_writer

Specialized Sample Writer to write DATA of type DATA_TYPE.

The operator<< will be overloaded to write data.

Definition at line 46 of file graph_object.h.

◆ size_limited_pin_reader

The size_limited_sample_reader will create a sample reader which will create a internal sample queue that is sample count item limited by the given TimeRange.

Template Parameters
MAX_SIZEThe count in amount of samples (has to be set while compile time!).
STORELASTSAMPLEOption if the last sample received will be hold.
  • true - last sample is stored
  • false - last sample is droped if after Read call

Definition at line 57 of file graph_object.h.

◆ time_limited_pin_reader

The time_limited_sample_reader will create a sample reader which will create a internal sample queue that is time limited by the given TimeRange.

Template Parameters
TIME_RANGEThe timerange in micro seconds (has to be set while compile time!).
STORELASTSAMPLEOption if the last sample received will be hold.
  • true - last sample is stored
  • false - last sample is droped if after Read call

Definition at line 53 of file graph_object.h.