13 #define CID_ADTF_KERNEL "kernel.service.adtf.cid"
93 const uint8_t* pProcessorAffinity =
94 size_t nProcessorAffinityByteCount = 0):
98 if (pProcessorAffinity ==
283 const void* pUserData =
284 size_t nUserDataSize = 0,
286 uint32_t ui32Flags = tThreadFlags::THF_None) = 0;
313 const void* pUserData =
314 size_t nUserDataSize = 0,
317 uint32_t ui32Flags = tTimerFlags::TIF_None) = 0;
424 const void* pUserData =
425 size_t nUserDataSize = 0,
428 uint32_t ui32Flags = tTimerFlags::TIF_None) = 0;
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
tInt64 tTimeStamp
type definition for a time value.
A common result class usable as return value throughout.
The Runnable interface defines common methods for a running component.
The IString interface provides methods for getting and setting strings through abstract interfaces.
IObject based version of IRunnable.
Protected destructor.
Interface for retrieving and setting of scheduling options.
Protected destructor --> Use implemented Destroy() instead of delete!
virtual tResult GetScheduling(tSchedulingInfo &sScheduling) const =0
Get the current scheduling settings.
virtual tResult SetScheduling(const tSchedulingInfo &sScheduling)=0
Update the scheduling settings.
Interface for signal handlers.
Protected destructor.
virtual tResult HandleKernelSignal(const adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< ISignal > &pSignal)=0
Called when a signal is transmitted.
virtual int32_t GetCode() const =0
Protected destructor --> Use implemented Destroy() instead of delete!
virtual int32_t GetClass() const =0
Protected destructor --> Use implemented Destroy() instead of delete!
virtual tResult Detach()=0
Detaches the thread, which can then no longer be modified via this interface.
virtual bool IsCurrent() const =0
Returns whether this thread is the current thread of execution.
virtual tResult Join(tTimeStamp nTimeout=-1)=0
Blocks the current thread until this thread has exited.
Protected destructor --> Use implemented Destroy() instead of delete!
virtual tResult Stop()=0
Stops the timer.
Kernel interface for thread, timer and signal handling.
virtual tResult GetObjects(adtf::ucom::iobject_enum< IObject > &oObjects)=0
Returns a list of all kernel primitives.
Enum for different scheduling schemes.
@ Default
The kernel may choose what it (or the user) likes.
@ Normal
Basic non-realtime scheduling.
@ RealTime
Realtime scheduling.
Enum for signal options.
@ SIG_None
No special behaviour.
@ SIG_Async
Transmit signal asynchronously.
ADTF_IID(IKernel, "kernel.ant.services.adtf.iid")
Interface ID for the kernel interface.
virtual tResult SignalRegister(ISignalHandler &oHandler, uint32_t ui32Flags=tSignalFlags::SIG_None)=0
Registers a new signal handler.
Flags for thread creation.
@ THF_Detached
Create a detached thread, the pThread handle is not set, so you cannot modify this thread after creat...
@ THF_None
No special behaviour.
virtual tResult SignalUnregister(ISignalHandler &oHandler)=0
Unregisters a signal handler.
Flags for time creation.
@ TIF_None
No special behaviour.
@ TIF_ErrorStop
Default error handling action for deadline and start instant misses is set to @adtf::base::elasto::IE...
@ TIF_Drop
Drop missed timer calls and wait until the next valid point in time that matches the interval....
@ TIF_ErrorLog
Default error handling action for deadline and start instant misses is set to @adtf::base::elasto::IE...
@ TIF_Reschedule
Reschedule timer interval in case of a missed start instant. Mutally exclusive with TIF_Drop....
Enum for different time sources for timers.
@ Monotonic
Realtime monotonic clock.
@ RealTime
Realtime clock.
Protected destructor --> Use implemented Destroy() instead of delete!
virtual tResult TimerCreate(adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< ITimer > &pTimer, const char *strTimerName, tTimeStamp nPeriod, tTimeStamp nInitialDelay, const adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< IKernelRunnable > &pKernelRunnable, const void *pUserData=nullptr, size_t nUserDataSize=0, tTimerClock eClock=tTimerClock::ADTF, const tSchedulingInfo &sScheduling=tSchedulingInfo(), uint32_t ui32Flags=tTimerFlags::TIF_None)=0
Creates a new timer, that periodically calls the Run method of the given runnable.
virtual tResult ThreadCreate(adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< IThread > &pThread, const char *strThreadName, const adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< IKernelRunnable > &pKernelRunnable, const void *pUserData=nullptr, size_t nUserDataSize=0, const tSchedulingInfo &sScheduling=tSchedulingInfo(), uint32_t ui32Flags=tThreadFlags::THF_None)=0
Creates a new thread of execution that executes the Run method of the given runnable.
virtual tResult SignalSend(const adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< ISignal > &pSignal, uint32_t ui32Flags=tSignalFlags::SIG_None)=0
Transmits a signal to all registered signal handlers.
Interface for kernel objects that have names (threads/timer)
Kernel interface for thread, timer and signal handling.
ADTF_IID(IKernel, "kernel.devil.services.adtf.iid")
Interface ID for the kernel interface.
Kernel interface for thread, timer and signal handling.
ADTF_IID(IKernel, "kernel.penguin.services.adtf.iid")
Interface ID for the kernel interface.
virtual tResult TimerCreate(adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< ITimer > &pTimer, const char *strTimerName, tTimeStamp nPeriod, tTimeStamp nInitialDelay, tTimeStamp nMaximumExecutionTime, const adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< IKernelRunnable > &pKernelRunnable, const void *pUserData=nullptr, size_t nUserDataSize=0, tTimerClock eClock=tTimerClock::ADTF, const tSchedulingInfo &sScheduling=tSchedulingInfo(), uint32_t ui32Flags=tTimerFlags::TIF_None)=0
Creates a new timer, that periodically calls the Run method of the given runnable.
Base class for every interface type within the uCOM.
Interface definition for a container of objects.
Base object pointer to realize binary compatible reference counting in interface methods.
Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.
Struct for defining scheduling settings of a thread or timer.
tSchedulingClass eSchedulingClass
The scheduling class.
uint8_t aProcessorAffinity[128]
The processor affinity (bitmask).
float fPriority
The priority [0.0, 1.0].
tSchedulingInfo(tSchedulingClass eSchedulingClass=tSchedulingClass::Default, float fPriority=-1.0, const uint8_t *pProcessorAffinity=nullptr, size_t nProcessorAffinityByteCount=0)