graph_object.h File Reference

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. More...

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class  interface_client< Interface >
 Helper class that wraps a streaming::ant::IBindingClient. More...
class  cGraphObject
 Base class for adtf::filter::flash::cFilter, adtf::filter::flash::cSampleStreamingSource and adtf::filter::flash::cSampleStreamingSink. More...
class  cGraphObject::cTriggerHint
 Base class for hints that give information on which Active Runner should be connected to a newly created Runner (with CreateRunner()). More...
class  cGraphObject::cNoTriggerHint
 No hint on which Active Runner to use. More...
class  cGraphObject::cThreadTriggerHint
 Hint that a thread Active Runner should be used to trigger a Runner. More...
class  cGraphObject::cTimerTriggerHint
 Hint that a timer Active Runner should be used to trigger a Runner. More...
class  cGraphObject::cDataTriggerHint
 Hint that a Data-In trigger should be created to trigger a Runner. More...
class  cGraphObject
 Base class for adtf::filter::flash::cFilter, adtf::filter::flash::cSampleStreamingSource and adtf::filter::flash::cSampleStreamingSink. More...


 Namespace for entire ADTF SDK.
 Namespace for the ADTF Filter SDK.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Filter SDK provided since v3.5.
 Namespace for all functionality of the ADTF Filter SDK provided since v3.7.


using cPinWriter = adtf::streaming::flash::cSampleWriter
 use cSampleWriter as cPinWriter
template<typename DATA_TYPE >
using pin_writer = adtf::streaming::flash::sample_writer< DATA_TYPE >
 Specialized Sample Writer to write DATA of type DATA_TYPE. More...
using cPinReader = adtf::streaming::flash::cDynamicSampleReader
 use cSampleReader as cPinReader
template<tTimeStamp TIME_RANGE, bool STORELASTSAMPLE = true>
using time_limited_pin_reader = adtf::streaming::flash::time_limited_sample_reader< TIME_RANGE, STORELASTSAMPLE >
 The time_limited_sample_reader will create a sample reader which will create a internal sample queue that is time limited by the given TimeRange. More...
template<size_t MAX_SIZE, bool STORELASTSAMPLE = true>
using size_limited_pin_reader = adtf::streaming::flash::size_limited_sample_reader< MAX_SIZE, STORELASTSAMPLE >
 The size_limited_sample_reader will create a sample reader which will create a internal sample queue that is sample count item limited by the given TimeRange. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright © Audi Electronics Venture GmbH.

All rights reserved

Definition in file graph_object.h.