96 template<
typename Interface = IDataBinding>
A common result class usable as return value throughout.
The cFilter class implements a basic filter that supports the IFilter and IPinEventSink interfaces.
private d-pointer
virtual ~cDataBinding()
virtual tResult DeactivatePins()
Deactivate all pins.
virtual tResult UnregisterPin(const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< IPin > &pIPin)
Unregisters a Pin from the pin list.
virtual tResult ActivatePins()
Activate all pins.
tResult RegisterPin(const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< IOutPin > &pIOutPin)
Registers a InPin in a pin list.
virtual tResult RegisterPin(const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< IPin > &pIPin)
Registers a Pin in a pin list.
tResult GetPins(ucom::ant::iobject_list< IPin > &lstPins) const
Returns the current Pins (only const access).
tResult Disconnect()
Disconnect all pins.
tResult ReleasePins()
Unregisters all Pins from the pin list.
tResult FindPin(const char *strName, ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< ucom::ant::IObject > &pPin) const
Find a Pin with the name of strName (only const access)
tResult RegisterPin(const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< IInPin > &pIInPin)
Registers a InPin in a pin list.
Template class for the default implementation of IDataBinding.
tResult GetPins(ucom::ant::iobject_list< IPin > &lstPins) const override
Returns the current Pins (only const access).
tResult FindPin(const char *strName, ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< ucom::ant::IObject > &pPin) const override
Find a Pin with the name of strName (only const access)
Base object pointer to realize binary compatible reference counting in interface methods.
Use this template if you want to implement an ucom::ant::IObject based Interface and/or subclass an e...
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