This is the complete list of members for StructType, including all inherited members.
_alignment (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
_comment (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
_ddl_version (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
_elements (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
_infos (defined in InfoMap) | InfoMap | private |
_name | TypeBase | protected |
_observers (defined in ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T >) | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | private |
_struct_version (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
attachObserver(observer_type *observer) | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | inline |
detachObserver(observer_type *observer) | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | inline |
Elements typedef | StructType | |
event_code_type typedef | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | |
getAlignment() const | StructType | |
getComment() const | StructType | |
getElements() const | StructType | |
getElements() | StructType | |
getInfo() const | InfoMap | inline |
getInfo() | InfoMap | inline |
getInfo(uint8_t info_type) (defined in InfoMap) | InfoMap | inlineprivate |
getInfo(uint8_t info_type) const (defined in InfoMap) | InfoMap | inlineprivate |
getLanguageVersion() const | StructType | |
getName() const | TypeBase | |
getNamedItemList() const (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
getNamedItemList() (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
getNamedItemViewList() const (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
getNamedItemViewList() (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
getTypeOfType() const override | StructType | virtual |
getVersion() const | StructType | |
InfoMap()=default | InfoMap | |
InfoMap(const InfoMap &) | InfoMap | inline |
InfoMap(InfoMap &&) | InfoMap | inline |
ModelSubjectUtility()=default | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | |
ModelSubjectUtility(const ModelSubjectUtility &) | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | inline |
notify(ModelEventCode code, utility::TypeAccessMapEventCode map_code, const std::string &additional_info) (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
notifyChanged(event_code_type event_code, subject_type &changed_subject, const std::string &additional_info) | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | inlineprotected |
notifyChangedListContent(utility::TypeAccessListEventCode code, Elements::access_type &element, const std::string &additional_info) (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
observer_type typedef | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | |
operator!=(const StructType &other) const | StructType | |
operator=(StructType &&other) | StructType | |
operator=(const StructType &other) | StructType | |
ddl::dd::datamodel::TypeBase::operator=(const TypeBase &)=default | TypeBase | |
ddl::dd::datamodel::TypeBase::operator=(TypeBase &&)=default | TypeBase | |
ddl::dd::utility::ModelSubjectUtility::operator=(const ModelSubjectUtility &) | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | inline |
ddl::dd::datamodel::InfoMap::operator=(const InfoMap &) | InfoMap | inline |
ddl::dd::datamodel::InfoMap::operator=(InfoMap &&) | InfoMap | inline |
operator==(const StructType &other) const | StructType | |
setAlignment(OptionalSize alignment) | StructType | |
setComment(const std::string &comment) | StructType | |
setInfo(const std::shared_ptr< INFO_T > &info) | InfoMap | inline |
setInfo(const std::shared_ptr< IInfo > &info) (defined in InfoMap) | InfoMap | inlineprivate |
setLanguageVersion(const Version &ddl_version) | StructType | |
setName(const std::string &name) override | StructType | virtual |
setVersion(const std::string &struct_version) | StructType | |
StructType()=delete | StructType | |
StructType(StructType &&other) | StructType | |
StructType(const StructType &other) | StructType | |
StructType(const std::string &name, const std::string &struct_version="1", OptionalSize alignment={}, const std::string &comment={}, dd::Version ddl_version=dd::Version(0, 0), const std::vector< Element > &elements={}) | StructType | |
subject_type typedef | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | |
TypeBase()=default | TypeBase | |
TypeBase(const TypeBase &)=default | TypeBase | |
TypeBase(TypeBase &&)=default | TypeBase | |
TypeBase(const std::string &name) | TypeBase | |
validateContains(const Elements::access_type &element_name) const (defined in StructType) | StructType | private |
~ModelSubjectUtility()=default | ModelSubjectUtility< MODEL_SUBJECT_T, EVENT_CODE_T > | virtual |
~StructType()=default | StructType | virtual |
~TypeBase()=default | TypeBase | virtual |