has_class_dependencies_type< T >

Usable for enable_if<>: Compile time check whether a struct class_dependencies<> is available. More...


struct  no
 Return value if interface_info<> does not exist. More...
struct  yes
 Return value if interface_info<> exists. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const bool value = sizeof(exists<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(yes)
 Evaluates to either size of yes or no, depending on existence of class_dependencies<>

Static Private Member Functions

template<typename C >
static yes exists (typename C::template class_dependencies< static_cast< C * >(nullptr)> *=nullptr)
 Overload taken if the class_dependencies<> exists. More...
template<typename C >
static no exists (...)
 Overload taken if the class_dependencies<> does not exist. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class adtf::ucom::ant::detail::has_class_dependencies_type< T >

Usable for enable_if<>: Compile time check whether a struct class_dependencies<> is available.

Template Parameters
TThe type to perform the check on.
UInner type of the nested template to check for existence.

Definition at line 29 of file class_info_detail.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ exists() [1/2]

static no exists (   ...)

Overload taken if the class_dependencies<> does not exist.

Template Parameters
CType to check existence of class_dependencies<>

◆ exists() [2/2]

static yes exists ( typename C::template class_dependencies< static_cast< C * >(nullptr)> *  = nullptr)

Overload taken if the class_dependencies<> exists.

Template Parameters
CType to check existence of class_dependencies<>