This is the complete list of members for IRuntime, including all inherited members.
ADTF_IID(IRuntime, "runtime.ant.ucom.adtf.iid") | IRuntime | |
adtf::ucom::ant::IObject::ADTF_IID(IObject, "object.ant.ucom.adtf.iid") | IObject | |
CreateInstance(const char *strCID, iobject_ptr< IObject > &pObject, const tChar *strNameOfObject="") const =0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
CRF_FastCreation enum value | IRuntime | |
CRF_NoAutoDeregistration enum value | IRuntime | |
CRF_NoHookOnCreation enum value | IRuntime | |
CRF_None enum value | IRuntime | |
CRLF_None enum value | IRuntime | |
CRLF_PostDecrementLevel enum value | IRuntime | |
CRLF_PostIncrementLevel enum value | IRuntime | |
CRLF_PreDecrementLevel enum value | IRuntime | |
CRLF_PreIncrementLevel enum value | IRuntime | |
Destroy() const =0 | IObject | privatepure virtual |
GetClasses(iobject_enum< const IClassInfo > &lstOfClasses) const =0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
GetClassFactories(iobject_enum< const IClassFactory > &lstOfClassFactories) const =0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
GetInterface(const char *i_strIID, void *&o_pInterface)=0 | IObject | privatepure virtual |
GetInterface(const char *i_strIID, const void *&o_pInterface) const =0 | IObject | privatepure virtual |
GetObject(iobject_ptr< IObject > &pObject, const char *strNameOID) const =0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
GetObject(iobject_ptr< IObject > &pObject) const =0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
GetObjects(iobject_enum< IObject > &lstOfObjects) const =0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
GetPlugins(iobject_enum< const IPluginInfo > &lstPluginInfos) const =0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
GetRunLevel() const =0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
ORF_MarkedForDeletion enum value | IRuntime | |
ORF_None enum value | IRuntime | |
ORF_RegisterOnChangingRL enum value | IRuntime | |
ORF_ServiceIsShutdown enum value | IRuntime | |
PF_MARKEDFORDELETION enum value | IRuntime | |
PF_NONE enum value | IRuntime | |
PF_UNMANAGED enum value | IRuntime | |
RegisterClassFactory(const iobject_ptr< const IClassFactory > &pClassFactory, uint32_t ui32Flags=0)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
RegisterHook(IRuntimeHook &oHook)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
RegisterObject(const iobject_ptr< IObject > &pObject, const char *strNameOID, int8_t nRunLevel, uint32_t ui32Flags=0)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
RegisterPlugin(const char *strUrl, int8_t nRunLevel, iobject_ptr< IPluginInfo > &pPluginInfo, uint32_t ui32Flags=0)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
RHI_Create enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_CreateInstance enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_Destroy enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_LoadPlugin enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RegisterClass enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RegisterObject enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RegisterPlugin enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RunLevelDecrementing enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RunLevelIncrementing enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RunLevelPostDecrement enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RunLevelPostIncrement enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RunLevelPreDecrement enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_RunLevelPreIncrement enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_ServiceStarted enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_ServiceStarting enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_ServiceStopped enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_ServiceStopping enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_Start enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_Stop enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_UnregisterClass enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_UnregisterObject enum value | IRuntime | |
RHI_UnregisterPlugin enum value | IRuntime | |
RL_Internal enum value | IRuntime | |
RL_Shutdown enum value | IRuntime | |
SetRunLevel(int8_t nRunLevel, bool bWait=true)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
tChangeRunLevelFlags enum name | IRuntime | |
tClassRegistryFlags enum name | IRuntime | |
tObjectRegistryFlags enum name | IRuntime | |
tPluginFlags enum name | IRuntime | |
tRunLevel enum name | IRuntime | |
tRuntimeHookId enum name | IRuntime | |
tUnregisterObjectFlags enum name | IRuntime | |
UnregisterAllPlugins(int8_t nRunLevel, uint32_t ui32Flags=0)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
UnregisterClassFactory(const iobject_ptr< const IClassFactory > &pClassFactory)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
UnregisterHook(IRuntimeHook &oHook)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
UnregisterObject(const iobject_ptr< IObject > &pObject, const tChar *strNameOID="")=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
UnregisterPlugin(const iobject_ptr< IPluginInfo > &pPluginInfo, uint32_t ui32Flags=0)=0 | IRuntime | pure virtual |
UOF_Automatically enum value | IRuntime | |
UOF_Manually enum value | IRuntime | |
UOF_None enum value | IRuntime | |
~IObject()=default | IObject | protected |
~IRuntime()=default | IRuntime | protected |