stream_type< StreamMetaType >

Generator template to implement a ant::IStreamType based on a Stream Meta Type - see Stream Type and Stream Meta Type. More...

Inheritance diagram for stream_type< StreamMetaType >:

Public Member Functions

 stream_type ()
 Constructor that initializes the Stream Type with the given StreamMetaType class type. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cStreamType
 cStreamType ()
 Default CTOR.
template<typename MetaType >
 cStreamType (const MetaType &)
 Convenience CTOR will create an Instance of given Stream Meta Type oTypeDefintion and sets the default properties. More...
 cStreamType (const IStreamType &pType)
 Copy CTOR will create fully deep copy of given pType. More...
virtual ~cStreamType ()
tTimeStamp GetTime () const
tResult SetTime (tTimeStamp oTimeStamp)
tResult GetMetaTypeName (base::ant::IString &&strTypeName) const override
 Get the meta type name of this instance. More...
adtf::util::tVersion GetVersion () const override
 Get version of this instance of the StreamMetaType. More...
tResult GetConfig (adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< base::ant::IProperties > &pProperties) override
 Get all properties of a Stream Type (read/write) More...
tResult GetConfig (adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< const base::ant::IProperties > &pProperties) const override
 Get all properties of a Stream Type (read/write) More...
tResult GetMetaType (adtf::ucom::iobject_ptr< const IStreamMetaType > &pMetaType) const override
 Get the Stream Meta Type definition of the Stream Type. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from object< IStreamType >
tResult GetInterface (const char *i_strIID, void *&o_pInterface) override
 Query interfaces on an object. More...
tResult GetInterface (const char *i_strIID, const void *&o_pInterface) const override
 Provides const correct interface querying. More...
void Destroy () const override
 Destruct and deallocate instantiations of type IObject. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IObject
 ADTF_IID (IObject, "object.ant.ucom.adtf.iid")
 Marks the IObject to be castable with the ucom_cast() More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from cStreamType
 cStreamType (const cStreamType &oType)=delete
 hide copy CTOR
cStreamTypeoperator= (const cStreamType &oType)=delete
 hide copy operator
 cStreamType (cStreamType &&oType)=delete
 hide move CTOR
cStreamTypeoperator= (cStreamType &&oType)=delete
 hide move operator
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IObject
 ~IObject ()=default
 Protected destructor --> Use implemented Destroy() instead of delete!

Detailed Description

template<typename StreamMetaType>
class adtf::streaming::flash::stream_type< StreamMetaType >

Generator template to implement a ant::IStreamType based on a Stream Meta Type - see Stream Type and Stream Meta Type.

Template Parameters
StreamMetaTypeclass which must fulfill the concept described in Custom Stream Meta Types

See Demo Custom Stream Type Filters Plugin for example usages or Custom Stream Meta Types to define own types.

Definition at line 375 of file streamtype.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ stream_type()

stream_type ( )

Constructor that initializes the Stream Type with the given StreamMetaType class type.

See stream_type for more information.

Definition at line 382 of file streamtype.h.