Inheritance diagram for cExternalQueueSampleReader:

Public Member Functions

void RegisterExternalQueue (ISampleReaderQueue *pExternalBuffer) override
void UnregisterExternalQueue (ISampleReaderQueue *pExternalBuffer) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from cSampleReader
 cSampleReader (ant::ISampleReaderQueue &oQueue, ant::ISampleStreamAccess::tMode eAccessMode, bool bStoreLastSample)
void SetName (const char *strName) override
 Sets the name of the streamer. More...
tResult GetName (base::ant::IString &&strName) override
 Retrieves the name of the streamer. More...
tResult SetType (const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const ant::IStreamType > &pStreamType) override
 Sets the initial stream type of a streamer. More...
tResult GetType (ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const ant::IStreamType > &pStreamType) const override
 Returns the initial stream type of the streamer. More...
tResult BeginStreaming (ISampleStream &oSampleStream) override
 Begin streaming on the given sample stream. More...
tResult EndStreaming () override
 End streaming. More...
tResult SetStreamerPin (const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< IStreamerPin > &pStreamerPin) override
 Sets the pin that the streamer is associated with. More...
void SetAcceptTypeCallback (const std::function< tResult(const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const ant::IStreamType > &pStreamType)> &fnAcceptTypeCallback)
 Sets a callback function which is called while a Stream Type is received - see also AcceptType and IsCompatible implementations. More...
void SetStreamErrorCallback (const std::function< tResult(tResult oStreamError)> &fnStreamErrorCallback)
 A callback function to react on stream errors. More...
tResult SetStreamError (tResult oError) override
 Sets an error on the associated sample stream. More...
tResult GetLastType (ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const ant::IStreamType > &pType) override
 Returns the last stream type that was read from the sample stream. More...
tResult GetNextSample (ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const ant::ISample > &pSample) override
 Reads the next available sample from the associated sample stream. More...
tResult GetLastSample (ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const ant::ISample > &pSample) override
 Reads the latest available sample from the associated sample stream. More...
void Reset ()
tResult ReadAllAvailableItems () override
 Reads all available items from the sample stream into internal queues. More...
tResult RequestSamples (ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< hollow::IStreamingRequest > &pRequest, uint32_t nSubStreamId, const base::ant::IProperties *pRequestProperties=nullptr)
 RequestSamples of the given Substream to be generated and/or transmitted. More...
void SetSynchronousTypeUpdateCallback (const std::function< tResult(const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const ant::IStreamType > &pStreamType)> &fnRequestTypeUpdateCallback)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from sample_reader< cExternalQueuesWrapper, false >
cExternalQueuesWrapper m_oQueue
- Protected Attributes inherited from cSampleReader
std::unique_ptr< cImplementation > m_pImplementation

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1075 of file samplereader.h.