
The RuntimeBehaviour interface is to clearly define a filters running entry points (IRunner) and their interconnection to each other (ITriggerPipe). More...

Inheritance diagram for IRuntimeBehaviour:

Public Types

template<typename T >
using iobject_ptr = adtf::ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< T >
 used iobject_ptr
template<typename T >
using iobject_list = adtf::ucom::ant::iobject_list< T >
 used iobject_list

Public Member Functions

 ADTF_IID (IRuntimeBehaviour, "runtime_behaviour.ant.streaming.adtf.iid")
 defintion of interface id.
virtual tResult GetRunners (iobject_list< IRunner > &lstRunners) const =0
 Returns the current Runners. More...
virtual tResult FindRunner (const char *strName, iobject_ptr< adtf::ucom::ant::IObject > &pRunner) const =0
 Find a Runner with the name of strName (only const access) More...
virtual tResult GetInnerPipes (iobject_list< ITriggerPipe > &lstInnerTriggerPipes) const =0
 Returns the current internal TriggerPipes. More...

Protected Member Functions

 ~IRuntimeBehaviour ()=default
 not destructable

Detailed Description

The RuntimeBehaviour interface is to clearly define a filters running entry points (IRunner) and their interconnection to each other (ITriggerPipe).

Definition at line 21 of file runtime_behaviour_intf.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ FindRunner()

virtual tResult FindRunner ( const char *  strName,
iobject_ptr< adtf::ucom::ant::IObject > &  pRunner 
) const
pure virtual

Find a Runner with the name of strName (only const access)

strName[in] Pointer to a string that identifies the pin that searches for. Call the IRunner::GetName method to retrieve a runner's identifier.
pRunner[out] contains the runner if found.
Returns a standard result code.
Return values
ERR_NOT_FOUNDRunner with the given name strName not found.

◆ GetInnerPipes()

virtual tResult GetInnerPipes ( iobject_list< ITriggerPipe > &  lstInnerTriggerPipes) const
pure virtual

Returns the current internal TriggerPipes.

[out]lstInnerTriggerPipesobject_list where to push the triggerpipes to.
Returns a standard result code.

◆ GetRunners()

virtual tResult GetRunners ( iobject_list< IRunner > &  lstRunners) const
pure virtual

Returns the current Runners.

[out]lstRunnersobject_list where to push the runners to.
Returns a standard result code.

Referenced by adtf::streaming::hollow::get_runner_objects().