| ADTF_IID (IPlayer, "player.quiet.services.adtf.iid") |
| Interface ID for the playback service interface.
virtual tResult | Open (const char *strFilenames, bool bLoadReferencedFiles, const char *strReaderId, const adtf::base::ant::IProperties *pReaderProperties=nullptr)=0 |
| Opens one or more given file with the given reader_id. More...
virtual bool | IsSeekable () const =0 |
| Indicates the players current capability of seeking. More...
| ADTF_IID (IPlayer, "player.elasto.remote.adtf") |
virtual tResult | SetLoopMode (const tLoopMode &eLoopMode)=0 |
| Sets the loop mode of the player. More...
virtual tLoopMode | GetLoopMode () const =0 |
| Retrieves the loop mode of the player. More...
virtual tResult | SetPlaybackSpeed (float fPlaybackSpeed)=0 |
| Sets the playback speed of the player. More...
virtual float | GetPlaybackSpeed () const =0 |
| Retrieves the current playback speed of the player. More...
virtual tResult | Step (uint64_t nSteps, tStepDirection eDirection, tStepItems eItems, bool bWait)=0 |
| Steps n items in given direction. More...
| ADTF_IID (IPlayer, "player.bat.services.adtf.iid") |
| Interface ID for the playback service interface.
virtual tResult | GetMarkers (adtf::base::ant::IString &&strMarkers) const =0 |
| Get Markers. More...
virtual tResult | ExtractAttachedFiles (const char *strAdtfDatFileNames, const char *strDestinationDirectory)=0 |
| Extracts all attached files from the given ADTF DAT files. More...
| ADTF_IID (IPlayer, "player.ant.services.adtf.iid") |
| Interface ID for the playback service interface.
virtual tResult | Open (const char *strFileNames, bool bLoadReferencedFiles)=0 |
| Opens one or more adtfdat files. More...
virtual tResult | Close ()=0 |
| Closes the current loaded files. More...
virtual tResult | GetTimeRange (tTimeStamp &tmFirstItem, tTimeStamp &tmLastItem) const =0 |
| Information interface to get the time range of the currently opened files. More...
virtual uint64_t | GetChunkCount () const =0 |
| Information interface to get the chunk count of the current opened files. More...
virtual tResult | GetCurrentFileNames (base::ant::IString &&strFileNames) const =0 |
| Information interface to get the time range of the current opened file. More...
virtual tTimeStamp | GetCurrentTime () const =0 |
| Information interface to get the current time position of the current opened files. More...
virtual IPlayer::tState | GetCurrentState () const =0 |
| Information interface to get the current state of the Player. More...
virtual tResult | Play ()=0 |
| Control interface to start streaming. More...
virtual tResult | Pause ()=0 |
| Control interface to pause streaming. More...
virtual tResult | Reset ()=0 |
| Control interface to Reset the streaming. More...
virtual tResult | SeekToTime (tTimeStamp tmTime)=0 |
| Control interface to seek to the given (Chunk) Time. More...
virtual tResult | SeekToChunkIndex (uint64_t ui64ChunkIndex)=0 |
| Control interface to seek to the given (Chunk) Index. More...
virtual tResult | SeekToStreamIndex (uint16_t ui16StreamId, uint64_t ui64StreamIndex)=0 |
| Control interface to seek to the given (Stream) Index of the given stream. More...
virtual tResult | ListStreams (IListStreamCallback &oCallback)=0 |
| List all available streams. More...
| ADTF_IID (IObject, "object.ant.ucom.adtf.iid") |
| Marks the IObject to be castable with the ucom_cast() More...
ADTF Playback Service Control interface to control the ADTF Player.
This interface enables you to control an instance of ADTF Playback Service. Usually the ADTF Playback Service will be controlled by the ADTFDAT File Player. By following code the service will be controlled by you. Make sure the property "enable_control" is set to false, if you want to control it by yourself.
ucom::object_ptr<IPlayer> pPlayer;
if (
#define IS_OK(s)
Check if result is OK.
tResult get_player(adtf::ucom::object_ptr< IPlayer > &pPlayer)
Gets the current registered player instance.
- See also
- Streaming Graph, ADTFDAT File Player
Definition at line 387 of file player_intf.h.