property< T, Enable > Member List

This is the complete list of members for property< T, Enable >, including all inherited members.

AttachProperties(const ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< IProperties > &pProperties) override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
ConvertAndSetValue(const T &oValue) (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inlineprivate
cProperty() (defined in cProperty)cPropertyinline
cProperty(const cProperty &)=default (defined in cProperty)cProperty
cProperty(cProperty &&)=default (defined in cProperty)cProperty
cProperty(const ant::IProperty &oProp) (defined in cProperty)cProperty
cProperty(std::string_view strName, const T &xValue) (defined in cProperty)cPropertyinline
cProperty(const char *strName, const T &xValue) (defined in cProperty)cPropertyinline
cProperty(const T &xValue) (defined in cProperty)cPropertyinline
CreateProperties() const (defined in cProperty)cPropertyprivate
DetachProperties() override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
GetAttachedProperties(IProperty &pProperty) const override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
GetName(IString &&strName) const override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
GetProperties(ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< IProperties > &pProperties) overridecPropertyvirtual
GetProperties() (defined in cProperty)cProperty
GetProperties(ucom::ant::iobject_ptr< const IProperties > &pProperties) const overridecPropertyvirtual
GetValue() const override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
GetValue() override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
GetValueT() const (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inline
HasAttachedProperties() const override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
HasProperties() const override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
InitValue(const T &oValue) (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inlineprivate
m_bAttached (defined in cProperty)cPropertyprivate
m_oObservers (defined in cProperty)cPropertyprivate
m_oValue (defined in cProperty)cPropertyprivate
m_pChildProperties (defined in cProperty)cPropertymutableprivate
m_strName (defined in cProperty)cPropertyprivate
m_xValue (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >private
Notify(const IProperty &)property< T, Enable >inlineprivatevirtual
NotifyObservers() (defined in cProperty)cPropertyprivate
operator=(const T &xValue) (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inline
operator=(const cProperty &)=default (defined in cProperty)cProperty
operator=(cProperty &&)=default (defined in cProperty)cProperty
operator==(const T &xOther) const (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inline
property() (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inline
property(const T &oValue) (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inline
property(std::string_view strName, const T &oValue) (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inline
property(const char *strName, const T &oValue) (defined in property< T, Enable >)property< T, Enable >inline
RegisterObserver(IPropertyObserver &oObserver) (defined in cProperty)cProperty
Set(const IProperty &oProp) override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
SetName(const IString &strName) override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
SetName(const IProperty &oProp) (defined in cProperty)cPropertyprivate
SetProperties(const IProperties &pProperties) overridecPropertyvirtual
SetProperties(const IProperty &oProp) (defined in cProperty)cPropertyprivate
SetValue(const IPropertyValue &oValue) override (defined in cProperty)cPropertyvirtual
SetValue(const T &xValue) (defined in cProperty)cPropertyinline
UnregisterObserver(IPropertyObserver &oObserver) (defined in cProperty)cProperty
~IProperty()=default (defined in IProperty)IPropertyvirtual