Value Member List

This is the complete list of members for Value, including all inherited members.

allocated_ (defined in Value)Valueprivate
append(const Value &value)Value
ArrayIndex typedef (defined in Value)Value
asBool() const (defined in Value)Value
asCString() constValue
asDouble() const (defined in Value)Value
asFloat() const (defined in Value)Value
asInt() const (defined in Value)Value
asInt64() const (defined in Value)Value
asLargestInt() const (defined in Value)Value
asLargestUInt() const (defined in Value)Value
asString() constValue
asUInt() const (defined in Value)Value
asUInt64() const (defined in Value)Value
begin() const (defined in Value)Value
begin() (defined in Value)Value
comments_ (defined in Value)Valueprivate
compare(const Value &other) const (defined in Value)Value
const_iterator typedef (defined in Value)Value
copy(const Value &other)Value
copyPayload(const Value &other)Value
demand(char const *begin, char const *end)Value
empty() constValue
end() const (defined in Value)Value
end() (defined in Value)Value
find(char const *begin, char const *end) constValue
get(ArrayIndex index, const Value &defaultValue) constValue
get(const char *key, const Value &defaultValue) constValue
get(const char *begin, const char *end, const Value &defaultValue) constValue
get(const JSONCPP_STRING &key, const Value &defaultValue) constValue
getComment(CommentPlacement placement) constValue
getMemberNames() constValue
getOffsetLimit() const (defined in Value)Value
getOffsetStart() const (defined in Value)Value
getString(char const **begin, char const **end) constValue
hasComment(CommentPlacement placement) const (defined in Value)Value
initBasic(ValueType type, bool allocated=false) (defined in Value)Valueprivate
Int typedef (defined in Value)Value
Int64 typedef (defined in Value)Value
isArray() const (defined in Value)Value
isBool() const (defined in Value)Value
isConvertibleTo(ValueType other) const (defined in Value)Value
isDouble() const (defined in Value)Value
isInt() const (defined in Value)Value
isInt64() const (defined in Value)Value
isIntegral() const (defined in Value)Value
isMember(const char *key) constValue
isMember(const JSONCPP_STRING &key) constValue
isMember(const char *begin, const char *end) constValue
isNull() const (defined in Value)Value
isNumeric() const (defined in Value)Value
isObject() const (defined in Value)Value
isString() const (defined in Value)Value
isUInt() const (defined in Value)Value
isUInt64() const (defined in Value)Value
isValidIndex(ArrayIndex index) constValue
iterator typedef (defined in Value)Value
LargestInt typedef (defined in Value)Value
LargestUInt typedef (defined in Value)Value
limit_ (defined in Value)Valueprivate
Members typedef (defined in Value)Value
ObjectValues typedef (defined in Value)Value
operator bool() constValueexplicit
operator!=(const Value &other) const (defined in Value)Value
operator<(const Value &other) constValue
operator<=(const Value &other) const (defined in Value)Value
operator=(Value other)Value
operator==(const Value &other) const (defined in Value)Value
operator>(const Value &other) const (defined in Value)Value
operator>=(const Value &other) const (defined in Value)Value
operator[](ArrayIndex index)Value
operator[](int index)Value
operator[](ArrayIndex index) constValue
operator[](int index) constValue
operator[](const char *key)Value
operator[](const char *key) constValue
operator[](const JSONCPP_STRING &key)Value
operator[](const JSONCPP_STRING &key) constValue
operator[](const StaticString &key)Value
removeIndex(ArrayIndex i, Value *removed)Value
removeMember(const char *key)Value
removeMember(const JSONCPP_STRING &key)Value
removeMember(const char *key, Value *removed)Value
removeMember(JSONCPP_STRING const &key, Value *removed)Value
removeMember(const char *begin, const char *end, Value *removed)Value
resize(ArrayIndex size)Value
resolveReference(const char *key) (defined in Value)Valueprivate
resolveReference(const char *key, const char *end) (defined in Value)Valueprivate
setComment(const char *comment, CommentPlacement placement)Value
setComment(const char *comment, size_t len, CommentPlacement placement)Value
setComment(const JSONCPP_STRING &comment, CommentPlacement placement)Value
setOffsetLimit(ptrdiff_t limit) (defined in Value)Value
setOffsetStart(ptrdiff_t start) (defined in Value)Value
size() constValue
start_ (defined in Value)Valueprivate
swap(Value &other)Value
swapPayload(Value &other)Value
toStyledString() const (defined in Value)Value
type() const (defined in Value)Value
type_ (defined in Value)Valueprivate
UInt typedef (defined in Value)Value
UInt64 typedef (defined in Value)Value
Value(ValueType type=nullValue)Value
Value(Int value) (defined in Value)Value
Value(UInt value) (defined in Value)Value
Value(Int64 value) (defined in Value)Value
Value(UInt64 value) (defined in Value)Value
Value(double value) (defined in Value)Value
Value(const char *value)Value
Value(const char *begin, const char *end)Value
Value(const StaticString &value)Value
Value(const JSONCPP_STRING &value)Value
Value(bool value) (defined in Value)Value
Value(const Value &other)Value
value_ (defined in Value)Valueprivate
value_type typedef (defined in Value)Value
~Value() (defined in Value)Value