This is the complete list of members for cStdMath, including all inherited members.
CompareFloat(tFloat64 f64Value1, tFloat64 f64Value2, tFloat64 f64RelativeError=0.000000000000001) | cStdMath | static |
GetProgressValue(tInt32 nValue, tInt32 nTotal) | cStdMath | static |
MATH_1_PI | cStdMath | static |
MATH_2_PI | cStdMath | static |
MATH_2_SQRTPI | cStdMath | static |
MATH_DEG2RAD | cStdMath | static |
MATH_E | cStdMath | static |
MATH_LN10 | cStdMath | static |
MATH_LN2 | cStdMath | static |
MATH_LOG10E | cStdMath | static |
MATH_LOG2E | cStdMath | static |
MATH_PI | cStdMath | static |
MATH_PI_2 | cStdMath | static |
MATH_PI_4 | cStdMath | static |
MATH_RAD2DEG | cStdMath | static |
MATH_SQRT1_2 | cStdMath | static |
MATH_SQRT2 | cStdMath | static |
UnitConversion(tFloat64 *pf64Value, const cString &strSourceUnit, const cString &strDestinationUnit=cString::Empty) | cStdMath | static |