This is the complete list of members for cDateTime, including all inherited members.
cDate() | cDate | |
cDate(tInt nYear, tInt nMonth, tInt nDay) | cDate | |
cDate(const tDate *psDate) | cDate | |
cDate(const cDate &oDate) | cDate | |
cDateTime() | cDateTime | |
cDateTime(tInt nYear, tInt nMonth, tInt nDay, tInt nHour, tInt nMinute, tInt nSecond, tInt nMicroseconds=0) | cDateTime | |
cDateTime(const tDateTime *psDateTime) | cDateTime | |
cDateTime(const cDateTime &oDateTime) | cDateTime | |
cTime() | cTime | |
cTime(tInt nHour, tInt nMinute, tInt nSecond, tInt nMicroseconds=0) | cTime | |
cTime(const tTime *psTime) | cTime | |
cTime(const cTime &oTime) | cTime | |
DateDiff(const cString &str, const cString &strDate1, const cString &strDate2) | cDate | static |
DateDiff(const cString &str, const cDate &oDate1, const cDate &oDate2) | cDate | static |
Format(const cString &strFormat) const | cDateTime | |
FromTimeStamp(tTimeStamp tmDateTime) | cDateTime | static |
Get(tDateTime *psDateTime) const | cDateTime | |
A_UTILS_NS::cDate::Get(tDate *psDate) const | cDate | |
A_UTILS_NS::cTime::Get(tTime *psTime) const | cTime | |
GetCurrentDate() | cDate | static |
GetCurrentDateTime() | cDateTime | static |
GetCurrentSystemDate() | cDate | static |
GetCurrentSystemDateTime() | cDateTime | static |
GetCurrentSystemTime() | cTime | static |
GetCurrentTime() | cTime | static |
GetDateFromString(cDate &oDate, const cString &strDate) | cDate | static |
GetDay() const | cDate | |
GetDiff(const cDateTime &dt1, const cDateTime &dt2) | cDateTime | static |
GetHour() const | cTime | |
GetMinute() const | cTime | |
GetMonth() const | cDate | |
GetNumOfDaysInMonth(const tInt nMonth, const tInt nYear) | cDate | static |
GetSecond() const | cTime | |
GetTimeFromString(cTime &oTime, const cString &strTime) | cTime | static |
GetYear() const | cDate | |
IsLeapYear() const | cDate | |
IsLeapYear(tInt nYear) | cDate | static |
m_sDate | cDate | protected |
m_sTime | cTime | protected |
Microseconds() const | cTime | |
operator=(const cDateTime &oDateTime) | cDateTime | |
A_UTILS_NS::cDate::operator=(const cDate &oDate) | cDate | |
A_UTILS_NS::cTime::operator=(const cTime &oTime) | cTime | |
Set(tInt nYear, tInt nMonth, tInt nDay, tInt nHour, tInt nMinute, tInt nSecond, tInt nMicroseconds=0) | cDateTime | |
Set(const tDateTime *psDateTime) | cDateTime | |
Set(const cDateTime &oDateTime) | cDateTime | |
A_UTILS_NS::cDate::Set(tInt nYear, tInt nMonth, tInt nDay) | cDate | |
A_UTILS_NS::cDate::Set(const tDate *psDate) | cDate | |
A_UTILS_NS::cDate::Set(const cDate &oDate) | cDate | |
A_UTILS_NS::cTime::Set(tInt nHour, tInt nMinute, tInt nSecond, tInt nMicroseconds=0) | cTime | |
A_UTILS_NS::cTime::Set(const tTime *psTime) | cTime | |
A_UTILS_NS::cTime::Set(const cTime &oTime) | cTime | |
SetDay(tInt nDay) | cDate | |
SetHour(tInt nHour) | cTime | |
SetMicroseconds(tInt nMicroseconds) | cTime | |
SetMinute(tInt nMinute) | cTime | |
SetMonth(tInt nMonth) | cDate | |
SetSecond(tInt nSecond) | cTime | |
SetYear(tInt nYear) | cDate | |
TimeDiff(const cString &str, const cString &strTime1, const cString &strTime2) | cTime | static |
TimeDiff(const cString &str, const cTime &oTime1, const cTime &oTime2) | cTime | static |
ToTimeStamp() const | cDateTime | |
UnFormat(const cString &strFormat, const cString &strDateTime) | cDateTime | |
A_UTILS_NS::Valid() | cDate | |
A_UTILS_NS::cTime::Valid() | cTime | |
~cDate() | cDate | virtual |
~cDateTime() | cDateTime | virtual |
~cTime() | cTime | virtual |