116 operator bool()
205 using ::ddl::dd::utility::Optional;
Optional< size_t > OptionalSize
optional size definition.
definition of the ddl namespace
An optional template as long as the std::optional is not available here.
Optional & operator=(Optional &&)=default
move assignment operator
Optional & operator=(const Optional &)=default
copy assignment operator
Optional & operator=(value_type &&value)
move assignment operator
T value_type
defintion of the value type of this optional
Optional(const value_type &value)
special copy CTOR
Optional(const Optional &)=default
copy CTOR
Optional & operator=(const value_type &value)
copy assignment operator
Optional(value_type &&value)
move CTOR
Optional(Optional &&)=default
move CTOR
value_type & operator*()
referenced access to the value
const value_type operator*() const
dereferenced access of the value
bool operator==(const Optional &other) const
equality operator.
value_type get() const
return the value type as copy
bool operator!=(const Optional &other) const
non equality operator.
void reset()
invalidates the value
bool _valid
is valid or not
value_type _value
the value if it is valid